
Oct 22, 2007 14:00

No matter what I do I can not get away from it. I am doing a speech on FDR, there for I have been having to delve into some history to do said speech, as I do so I begin to regret this entire semester. Even though I haven't officially changed my major I have taken classes that reflect the change. I had a feeling this was going to happen. I think I just got sick of everyone telling me what I should do with history, they think they know what I would like, that I would prefer to teach college level or something like that but I just don't know anymore..I know I don't want to teach college level because honestly, they say that these will be the people that want to be there at that point and not just because they have to but it isn't so. I am a history person and didn't want to be in any of the history classes I have been in since I have been in college. They were all repetitive and I had a bunch of idiots in the classes who were only there because it was a gen. ed credit. I want to teach HS so that I can catch them on the first time around and try to get them interested, key word being try.

I think this all really started last night when Rob told me to pick a vocal song, meaning Frank, Dean, Sammy, Tony, etc. He told me that I needed to share more of my favorites, which made me begin to think of all the odd CD's I have, my war tunes, Jerry Lewis things like that. That brought me to my movie collection, all of my Jimmy Stewart, Bing Crosby, Bob Hope, my war movies, then I moved onto books. Most of my books are biographies, usually of people from WWII or just that era. It just doesn't end. I surround myself with history, even in baseball, my favorite player, died two years before I was born, my favorite actors, all dead but one, my favorite televisions shows are all off the air, very little is up to date in the things I surround myself in. I prefer my 33's to any CD, what is wrong with me?!?!?
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