Getting through the day

Sep 12, 2007 14:25

Draft number 2...

I was starving all through my econ class, but luckily there is a little stand in the building I have that class in so I stopped and got a muffin! I will work of the the tastyness later! I am really excited about lunch (isn't that sad??) I am going to go get this AMAZING salad from Quizno's and take that home, watch the next episode of Band of Brothers (Episode 6 Bastonge! OH YEAH! I love Eugene!!) then around 1700 go work out. Today is my leg work out...with cardio of course. I was thinking of bringing some homework with me to do while on the bike but all I have to do is reading and I need to take notes (it is econ, need to let it sink in with notes) and it is really hard to write while you are on a bike, or if I am feeling gutsy a tredmil OOOOOH!!! Yeah I am strange I know! Not to mention where am I going to put all of my stuff while I am in the weight room? There is logic to my insanity I swear it! But I digress....when I get back from the gym I am going to take a nice long shower getting in my pj's and getting my study on!

In other news... I am trying to get myself back on a schedule. I am shotting for bed by, 2200-2230 and up by 0630-0700...last night was my first attempt.. I was in bed by 2215, so I was doing good there, but I didn't get to sleep until much later. When my alarm went off at 0630 my head said "I don't think so!" I was up by 0745ish and ready for the day then, so it wasn't a complete failure. Well I think class is coming to an end so I am out for now.
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