It seems like the weekends are just never quite long enough to get everything I intend to get done, done. I'm either too busy, or too undermotivated. I clearly have no balance. During the week on the days I work late...I sleep in, which doesn't help because then I don't get back until 8:30 and by that time...I don't WANT to do anything. Viscious cycle of nothing happening!
I did get quite a bit done this weekend, though. I finally met my brother's girlfriend (who he's been dating for a few months) and I spent time at one of the local apple orchards. It was mostly wandering around with my camera since the apples I wanted weren't U Pick, but I was fine with that because they ended up being cheaper for some reason. SweeTangos, you are the best apply hybrid ever! :) Also got a pie, more just to make my apartment smell good, but the taste ain't bad either! And the fancy expensive apple cider, because I could have an IV of that stuff and it wouldn't be enough.
I also updated my music to my ipod and iphone, which tooke WAY longer than I intended. Hello three hours gone out of my day. Ah well, it was worth it! :D I'm excited to actually have my 2012 playlist on my iphone since it's more convenient to just hit "play" instead of trying to find my headphones or speakers. This particular playlist has 560 songs on it, so it's taking up a good chunk of my usage space, but considering the massive amount of songs on my ipod (6454...favorites. I have collected a LOT of cds (mainly soundtracks) over the course of my life. It pretty much has ruled my Christmas/Birthday lists since I was 8, and I tend to buy probably 20-30 cds each year on top of that). It's where the majority of any spending money I have goes! Which has been on the cut back, because holy crap I am poor working this job just in general.
My parents are in need of some serious help right now. They went on vacation to Colorado and when they came back their NEW (bought just last month) house was very nearly destroyed. A seal on a pipe to the toilet in the guest bathroom, on the third floor, burst and for days the water flowed two stories down. It took the ceilings down with it and any other drywall in the way, and there is 6 inches of water in the basement. They were just settling in, had bought nearly all new furniture, and now most of it is ruined. I imagine their home insurance will cover that, but I imagine if water got in the storage room they lost a lot of precious stuff. :( The good news is the dogs were with them on vacation (although maybe it would have been caught sooner if there was a dog sitter) so everybody is okay. They're just looking at 60 days or so in a hotel while the house is made liveable again. I'm probably going to send them a care package. That just sucks.
I have a lot of photos posts to make (way more than I think I'll feasibly be able to do!) because it's been about 2 months since the last one! Whoops. I'll just end this post with this one, from Lake Buffalo, since it'll take me some time to put together the other ones and I have to get ready for work: