First Post of 2010

Jan 03, 2010 20:22

I am so fed up right now! My step-dad just chewed me out on the phone because I brought a few glasses out from my bedroom & put them on the counter. He makes me feel like I am nothing more often that not, I’m already on anti-depressants because of him, I am changing mentally because of him & I don’t like it. I miss the happy-go-lucky girl I used to be, cuz the person I am seeing in the mirror now isn’t me. I need to somehow get out of there, I can’t take it! But I have nowhere to go & I hate that more. It’s too cold to live out of my car. I’m single, so it’s not like there is a significant other I can stay with. I’m in a sinking hole I can’t get out of.

I’m writing a poem right now & it’s making me feel better, but I am still mad as hall at him.

On another note, my crush has come to work, I feel better than I would have if he wasn’t, it just sucks that he can’t be mine, and we’ll see what fate decides. So I am talking to, yet again, ANOTHER RIT guy, do I just attract the really smart ones?! Hopefully it will work out better than the other two.

Hope everyone’s New Year went well! I got pretty buzzed & shook my ass all over my house, lmao & at the stroke of 12, we all flashed each other, so a lot of boobs! Lol. I will post the poem when it’s finished! r:
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