Title: Angelic Demons vs. Demonic Angels
Author: Amanda
Pairing: HSJ members x OC
Rating: R (just to be safe)... or NC-16-17 (for the mercilessness)
Genre: Comedy(?), Friendship, Fantasy, AU, Tragedy
Summary: When the HSJ all transfer into one school, they didn't know about the on going battle between the angels and the demons where humans are caught in
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Comments 6
whoaa '-'
All they know is that the top of the cloth seemed to be covered in blood.
ooh what is thato_o
"I haven't stretched like this for a long time!" Mai said happily as she stretched herself. Ixavelle's wings were the broadest as she stretched them to it's full extent.
wings~ x]
can't wait for the next one ^^
This is cool! I love reading thisssss~
*Oh, I realize that you updated this fanfic once in a week! Can't wait for next week!*
Wings yo! So cool~ Who Ixavelle-sama likes eh? Hee hee~
Can't wait.. For.. The.. Next.. Update~!
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