Unable to catch up...

Dec 13, 2008 20:24

...after the usual hectic week, so I'll try to make up to my flist here, and tell how sorry I am for Dicky's baby's illness: I hope she's better now. I've seen the gorgeous picspam, but after reading about your #2 (and the disheartening news about employers' ways of cutting expenses,) I could not enjoy the pics like they deserved. Anyway you made quite a great deal in so little time (more or less the same things I did on my first visit, except for the Eiffel Tower which I missed, though I had no kids to deal with then!) The hotel must have been much nicer than ours (yay for art nouveau!), and thank you for diffusing Duni's restaurant address: I was too shy to ask, silly me! But it's duly noted (one can always hope...) By the way, it has got very positive comments on GoogleMaps, I'm so happy for Duniazade!

For Shug: besides the voting-anxiety (I'm trying, I'm trying, but for God's sake, it's SO DIFFICULT!) your secont-to-last post has goaded me into a Xmas shopping frenzy. So I gathered my wits, left - regretfully yet manfully - laptop, flist and oh-so-many-updates aside, and embarked in the crazy routine. Six hours later, I'm just half-done with gifts, but I'm rather satisfied. And excited: shopping is good for moral :D
And more tired than after a full working day, LOL. When did shopping become so wearing? Probably some time between the 90s and my 50th birthday, I'd say ;-)

I'm also learning unexpected things from my flist.
Thanks to cck_brit and beffeysue, I've learned what an ice storm is. Something scary, I think, but gorgeous as well - I've seen a whole landscape covered in ice only once in my life, and it felt like having landed in a fairy tale. One of the most beautiful things I've ever seen... but it was simpler for me: it was Sunday, so I just stopped driving, went into a bar and read newspapers until the sun was high enough to melt the ice)
And, thanks to Lariope, I've learned the most amazing thing: "peppermints" are not "peppermint."  I'm still dealing with the aftermath.
I know it's absurd but, hey, to think that I've always lived with the "concept" of red-striped, apparently sweet somethings, without ever feeling the slightest curiosity about them, and to find out that they *exist* and they are meant to taste of peppermint, of all things! It cheers me up (another aim I'm looking forward to, at the tender age of 52 *can't stop grinning*)

OTOH, I'm worrying about hypnobarb1, whose latest chapters I've brought with me to Paris and back, half read without having the time to savour them, and not managed to review yet. How I wish positive thoughts could make a difference...

Now, before doing what I usually do, that is, deciding to cancel everything and what on earth made me write something so stupid and probably rude and ill-mannered and OMG I could hurt someone, I'd better keep to my awkward self...

I.Will Hit.That.Damned.Button.
Post to...


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