Happy Belated Birthday To...

Sep 18, 2009 17:22

my favourite artist and art director,

The Theatre of the Absurd... Dream

This is my poor attempt at connecting two favourite artists.

Dearest Wendy, I hope you've had a great birthday, full with all you were wishing for, and you've had the time, among your thousand projects, to enjoy one of those lovely tea-dinner-whatever parties you and your local friends are so good at throwing ;)
Above all, however, I hope that this year will see the satisfactory conclusion of (at least) some of your projects, o multifaceted artist!

*glomps you*

P.S. Sorry for the delay. I swear I started this the day before yesterday. Fact is, I had forgotten (1) that I don't have any serious photomanip software on this laptop, and (2) I know nothing about CSS coding and fit pics into an LJ frame. So, if anyone is wondering why I'm parading a "n00b" writing on my forehead, that's why! :D
P.P.S. There's a high resolution version on my scrapbook, which is *not* linked to this miniature because I worried about the size. Give it a try, not for me, but for Luzzati's fantastic (in many senses) work :)

*more glomps*


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