MissingNO TCG

Sep 09, 2010 23:28


CARD POST FOR MISSINGNO TCG. I shall update this as I go~ :)

Trading Thread:
Card Count: 126
Card Worth: 131


FUTURE: (in order of preference)


for Jannet

for Zags

for Timespace

for Aimee

for Mei

for Kristina

for Kahare

for Ralene



2010.10.04 - Trade: sabrina04 for swampert08 with Nadyell.
2010.10.04 - Safari Zone: lotad11
2010.10.04 - Bulbasaur's Hidden Village Tari: roselia02, teddiursa02, joy03
2010.10.04 - Slot Machine: steelix15, turtwig09, blaziken03, lucario12
2010.10.04 - Tall Grass: [used no char & no pkmn] arcanine12
2010.10.04 - Tic Tac Togepi: [used no char & no pkmn] chikorita05
2010.10.04 - Upcoming Decks: glaceon06, omanyte18
2010.10.04 - Jubilife TV Lotto: munchlax12, dewgong19
2010.10.04 - Whos That Pokemon?: [used no char & no pkmn] weedle10
2010.10.04 - Piplups Puzzle: [used no char & no pkmn] james06
2010.10.04 - Psyducks Memory: [used no char & no pkmn] cleffa04, sandshrew05
2010.10.04 - Trade: nincada03, vulpix14 for mudkip08, mudkip10 with Ayndin.
2010.10.04 - Pokemon Snap: ledyba02, bonsly09, machop01
2010.09.28 - Freebie: totodile06, totodile11, totodile13, totodile14
2010.09.28 - Bulbasaur's Hidden Village Tari: james07, lyra08, marshtomp07
2010.09.28 - Trade: ditto07, croconaw03, koga07 for dratini03, kirlia04, mightyena13 with J-chan. Also, Friend Card!
2010.09.28 - Trade: barry08 for totodile07 with Pasqui. Also, Friend Card!
2010.09.28 - Trade: brock01 for swampert03 with Nadyell. Also, Friend Card!
2010.09.28 - Trade: natu18 for mudkip16 with Jayme. Also, Friend Card!
2010.09.26 - Voting: ralts13, chinchou20
2010.09.25 - Poke Ball Exchange: exchanged Dive Ball for totodile03
2010.09.25 - Pokemart: Bought Dive Ball for 1000 PD
2010.09.25 - Know-It-All: [used no char & no pkmn] lanturn17, arcanine07, Ether, Red Shard, 59 PD
2010.09.25 - Safari Zone: poochyena12
2010.09.25 - Safari Zone: onix14
2010.09.25 - Safari Zone: grotle15
2010.09.25 - Upcoming Decks: piplup06, omanyte13
2010.09.25 - Princess Training: [used no char & no pkmn] kris06, barry08, Nugget, Kelpsy Berry, 72 PD
2010.09.25 - Jubilife TV Lotto: sandshrew17
2010.09.25 - Tricky Lock: [used no char & no pkmn] gary08, weedle19, buneary11, Red Shard, Magost Berry
2010.09.25 - Whos That Pokemon?: [used no char & no pkmn] hoppip18, Shuca Berry, Mago Berry
2010.09.25 - Unown Unscramble: [used no char & no pkmn] sandshrew06, ekans09, Durin Berry, Yache Berry
2010.09.25 - Piplups Puzzle: [used no char & no pkmn] larvitar17, Pearl
2010.09.25 - Psyducks Memory: [used no char & no pkmn] makuhita17, nincada03, Nest Ball
2010.09.19 - Donation - Vileplume: metapod18, seel05, horsea16, moltres06
2010.09.19 - Freebie: steelix01
2010.09.19 - Upcoming Decks: ltsurge01, koga05
2010.09.19 - Tic Tac Togepi: [used no char & no pkmn] beldum 14, Spelon Berry
2010.09.19 - Piplup's Puzzle: [used no char & no pkmn] misdreavus17, Belue Berry
2010.09.19 - Jubilife TV Lotto: natu18, scyther01, trapinch04, Ganlon Berry
2010.09.19 - Who's That Pokemon?: [used no char & no pkmn] starly12, Hondew Berry
2010.09.19 - Tricky Lock: [used no char & no pkmn] rotom06, erika16, jynx19, Max Ether
2010.09.15 - Bulbasaur's Hidden Village Tari [Round 2]: croconaw14, ditto05, and koga09, Nomel Berry, Yache Berry
2010.09.13 - Trade: laaffy14, croagunk20 for mudkip13 and marshstomp07 with Ayndin. Also, Friend Card!
2010.09.12 - Poke Ball Exchange: exchanged Poke Ball for totodile20
2010.09.12 - Unown Unscramble: [used no char & no pkmn] bellsprout01, feebas16, Babiri Berry, Grepa Berry
2010.09.12 - Psyducks Memory: [used no char & no pkmn] joy01, spoink20, Wepear Berry, 94 PD
2010.09.12 - Trade: meowth04 for brock01 with Ellie. Also, Friend Card!
2010.09.12 - Trade: mawile13 for koga04 with Kahare. Also, Friend Card!
2010.09.12 - Trade: snorlax03, snorlax19, gengar01 for totodile05, totodile10, koga02 with Bear. Also, Friend Card!
2010.09.11 - Princess Training: [used no char & no pkmn] lyra04, gary01, Magost Berry, Rawst Berry
2010.09.11 - Jubilife TV Lotto: flareon10, lopunny06
2010.09.11 - Whos That Pokemon?: [used no char & no pkmn] flaaffy14, Micle Berry, 89 PD
2010.09.11 - Piplups Puzzle: [used no char & no pkmn] vibrava12, Belue Berry, 169 PD
2010.09.11 - Safari Zone: mantine17
2010.09.11 - Safari Zone: glaceon14
2010.09.11 - Safari Zone: psyduck06
2010.09.11 - Safari Zone: dratini03
2010.09.11 - Upcoming Decks: croagunk20, alakazam09
2010.09.11 - Poke Ball Exchange: exchanged Net Ball for caterpie15
2010.09.11 - Pokemart: Bought Net Ball
2010.09.11 - Freebie: shuppet01
2010.09.10 - Trade: giovanni01 for snorlax03 with Mei
2010.09.10 - Trade: sneasel10 for tododile18 with Jannet
2010.09.10 - Card Swap: Swapped bonsly06, omanyte09, turtwig14, grovyle20, metang01, luvdisc12, pachirisu20, typhlosion14, torterra18, scizor05 for horsea10, meowth04, gastly16, roselia20, ivysaur07, giovanni01, sabrina04, jasmine07, mightyena13, mawile13
2010.09.10 - Bulbasaur's Hidden Village: Tari totodile02, koga01, ditto03, Aguav Berry, Apicot Berrt
2010.09.10 - Freebie: metang01
2010.09.10 - Know-It-All: [used no char & no pkmn] koga06, luvdisc12, Potion, Hondew Berry
2010.09.10 - Tall Grass: [used no char & no pkmn] turtwig14, grovyle06, cyndaquil16
2010.09.10 - Tic Tac Togepi: [used no char & no pkmn] wynaut01, Ether, 124 PD
2010.09.10 - Slot Machine: torterra18, typhlosion14, ponyta16, teddiursa20
2010.09.10 - Pokemart: Bought Coin Case
2010.09.10 - Safari Zone: mudkip14
2010.09.10 - Safari Zone: marshtomp05
2010.09.10 - Poke Ball Exchange: exchanged Ultra Ball for totodile01
2010.09.10 - Poke Ball Exchange: exchanged Dusk Ball for gengar01
2010.09.10 - Upcoming Decks: scizor05, bonsly16
2010.09.10 - Poliwags Puzzle: [used no char & no pkmn] totodile04, kirlia20, Salac Berry, Charti Berry
2010.09.10 - Princess Training: [used no char & no pkmn] joy13, koga10, Persim Berry, Dusk Ball
2010.09.10 - Jubilife TV Lotto: giovanni07, turtwig20
2010.09.10 - Tricky Lock: [used no char & no pkmn] pachirisu20, moltres09, grovyle20, Jaboca Berry
2010.09.10 - Whos That Pokemon?: [used no char & no pkmn] omanyte09, Wacan Berry
2010.09.10 - Unown Unscramble: [used no char & no pkmn] buizel06, sneasel10, Nugget, Ether
2010.09.10 - Approved: horsea15, snorlax19
2010.09.10 - Piplups Puzzle: [used no char & no pkmn] chingling07, Rowap Berry
2010.09.10 - Psyducks Memory: [used no char & no pkmn] kirlia04, pidgey03, Chilan Berry
2010.09.10 - Starter Pack: totodile12, totodile09, charmeleon04, magnemite01, vulpix14, pupitar15, latias07, Tamato Berry, Apicot Berry, Ultra Ball, Haban Berry


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