caring for the ungratrful.

May 04, 2004 19:40

ive decided that im not going to get involoved in anyone elses business and i ask that no one get into mine. ive learned that no matter how good the intentions might have been, you not only end up making things worse, but you get screwed over rorally.

and im sick of people; of all the fucking lies, manipulation, cowardice, spinelessness, two-facedness, and everything else that everyone seems to excel at.
i mean, people just suck. there is no way around it. everyone is always too busy looking out for themselves to give a shit about anyone else. this isnt how it should be.

ive been learning lately that people will sit there and talk about how much they dont like something, and/or how it should change, but so few people have the courage to actually stand up for what they believe in. and when they do, the people that are closest to them and who agree with them and say they support them, are the quickest to turn there backs. and the worst part is: most people dont even seem to realize what theyre doing.

this all hurts way too much.
but i wont show it.
i brought this on to myself.
i didnt start it, so i wont stop it.
but its still my fault.
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