Oh my Star! It's full of gods!

Feb 05, 2006 01:47

Wow. It feels like it's been a while since I've last posted. (And that would be because it *has* been a long time since I last posted. 6 days shy of 3 months, in fact.)

A lot has happened since then. (Some of it I want to mention in friends-locked posts.)

Mostly, I've been on a deathmarch since mid-November. I must say that this gets old quickly. singingnettle has been quite helpful during this time, but it gets wearing on her too. We're really close on one product, and the other is starting an official validation process next week. Phew.

I've been drawing some, but not a heck of a lot. Mostly I've been doodling. In fact, at work, she who is the measure of all things dev (our QA person) recently gave me back a build because "This isn't a build -- it doesn't have a picture on it!"

School has been ...going... as well. I'm taking "Intro to Macroeconomics" this quarter. I'm finding this quite interesting, and sometime I'll probably make a game based on this. (New! Now with real economics model!)

Other than that, I've been learning some about Ruby, and (mostly) liking what I see. But that's another post.

Addendum: Must not forget... Singingnettle and I emptied 8 boxes today! (She did most of the unpacking, I did the getting from downstairs.) Wow -- a few more days like this, and we'll be able to completely empty out the storage!
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