(no subject)

Jul 30, 2007 12:36

I've had 1.5 12 oz cups of coffee from the cafeteria upstairs and I'm feeling more than a little chatty.

Everyone at works digs (or at least claims to) the new hair. I thought I had short hair before, but man, now it's REALLY short.

Being almost grownup seems to involve a lot of happy hours. Like I said last night - people don't know how to get together without drinking anymore. It's okay by me because I like a beer, a g&t, a glass of wine, what have you. But sometimes it seems a little weird. Or socially stunted that folks don't get together without a drink in hand anymore. My close friends do, but I guess we're just tight enough to be able to tolerate each other without a booze haze. Anyway, Besides the weekend of constant drinking, I got to thinking about this because I have happy hours every night this week, work people, old work people, geeks, lady friends. Right now I'm imagining one happy hour with all groups. The happy hour to end all happy hours. It would be funny, I think. I'd rather watch from afar than have to be the social glue between all the separate groups.

Speaking of me... I'm tentatively planning my official birthday celebration to be at the drag show I read about in the Metrotimes. I know it's on Aug 10, and I think it's in Hamtown. I think. I need to figure out the details.

Blah blah blah jobs moving to India on Teri Gross. Execution and white collar crimes. Is it common in China? That's what the guest says. I'm all anti-death penalty and what not, but seriously, that would be pretty sweet. Or not.

I rocked my review at work.

On the bus this morning, I started Flight. So far it's good. Alexie's got a good flow in this one. It's very stream of conscious - similar to Vonnegut, but not quite as... choppy as his stuff comes across. I have a feeling I'm going to fly through it. It's only ~200 pages, and I'm 20% finished. Exactly.

Is it bad that I thought Ingmar Bergman was already dead?


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