Dec 04, 2004 12:54
this morning was solo and ensemble.the whole way to the school my mom was complaining because last night she had grabbed the wrong coat from the restaraunt she went to so she was yelling at my dad because she was really upset. luckily someone had left a coat there and it turned out to be hers. right before we went in to play katelyn broke my reed. grr and we had to steal mr hogabooms tuner since the guy in our room didnt have one. we did okay, but we could have done a lot better. we gotta work on our DYNAMICS aha katelyn learned a band word! we got a 2 so at least we got a medal. mr hogaboom was our "chauffer" lol omg i was so nervous. that school was like 100 degrees and the judge was stupid to make it all worse. me and katelyn were shaking the whole time and when i had to play the melody for russian RONDO (lol) my stomach was growling cuz i was starving! my notes sounded really funny since i was nervous. lmao at the end he made us do this practice thing where we had to play REALLY high notes. when autumn could barely play them i knew that when my turn came i wouldnt be able to so i felt really stupid. i'm just glad all that stuff is over with. tonight we're goin out to eat for my dads b-day so i might not be on later. bye