Deep thoughts by Trish Troutman

Oct 20, 2004 03:26

So I woke up at 5:30am with horrible pains yet again! As I was experiencing this I couldn't help but think of ways that I can prevent these situations to happen. So I thought long and hard and came up with this conlusion...I should eat like I have no taste buds! Yes I know it sounds rediculous, but just hear me out...say I was craving for doughnuts or toast or durritos;)mmm... well if I didn't have tastebuds then that wouldn't be a problem. I could just substitute those things with let's say celery or peas or fruits... then I would just stop eating based on how full I was or not instead of good something tasted! So I really don't care if that made sense, cause at 5:30 in the morning it did!

Well since this was the third day I got sick in a row my mom decided to take me to the doctor's. They didn't help much except give me excuses for school. All they told me was that I shouldn't eat wheat and gave me another appointment for a special Dr., but it's not until December 12th! So I'm really pissed off right now... except I'm liking the fact that I don't have to get blood taken until then ; )
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