hatebreed this weekend anyone?
i wanna go need a full car gas money its in chico shitty its also 15$
i have two temp jobs comin up so thats good one is to put 3 desks together for 150$ and a petitioner at 2$ a signature and you can make hella bank with that so its onnnnnn on top of my 400$ checks ill be rollin deep fah sho. trevor go to the show with me. mick too. douches.
im from the neighborhood fruit.
eeeedan: i got the graff arrows on my arm...haha, and i thought of you
B man719: i saw them
B man719: hot
eeeedan: whoa, that cow skin thing is pretty kinky there brandona
B man719: haha
B man719: cow skin?"
eeeedan: yeah it;s like blakc and white on your aim screen thing
B man719: huh?
eeeedan: like the background on your aim window
eeeedan: it's crazy
B man719: oh must be from when i went on my moms comp
B man719: i dunno she has aol 9.0 who knows what she did with it
eeeedan: hahh
B man719: word
eeeedan: yeah it's all pimped out
B man719: im dope what can i say
eeeedan: what did you need kari's number for?
B man719: oh some dude that shes lj friends with was being a dumb ass
B man719: haha
B man719: i commented on stefani lucks journal and hes all way to be an asshole and blah like taylor is perfect and all this shit
eeeedan: how so?
B man719: i dunno
B man719: i wanted to be like fag ive seen that girl naked and you wish you knew her
B man719: haha
eeeedan: hahaaha
eeeedan: what was his lj name?
B man719: xjaybeex
B man719: ?
B man719: i think
eeeedan: oh oh that is the guy who fucked bryce's ex gf
eeeedan: haha everyone hates that kid
B man719: lara?
B man719: dude ill beat him up just for that
B man719: haha
B man719: ill need pics of this kid
B man719: so i can find him
B man719: and destroy him
B man719: yea kari didnt pick up
eeeedan: haha no he fucked bryce's ex a while ago
eeeedan: but like, i dunno, i guess he moved out of town, then came back, and everyone hates him
eeeedan: what entry did you comment on
eeeedan: i'm looking for it
B man719: on his
B man719: oh he deleted it
B man719: one sec ill send it to you
eeeedan: haha aight
eeeedan: i'm on aim exp
B man719: o
B man719: thats probably why you see the cows
eeeedan: hah yeah
B man719: XjaybeeX (xjaybeex) replied to your LiveJournal comment in which you said:
> tays teeth look fucked in that lower pic hahahaha shes been eatin to mant
> sweets.
Their reply was:
lol. well your an asshole. first of all tay is flawless and second, if
there was somethin wrong with her teeth, why would you say it like that?
all rude and mean like. im sure you dont look half as attractive as she
B man719: he obviously doesnt know im more attractive than her
B man719: i mean duh
eeeedan: ahahahahah
eeeedan: what did you say back to him?
B man719: one sec
B man719: hey faggot so you think im an asshole? hahahaha do you even know those girls? like you know in realllll life as or are you one of there ewannabe hoes? yeah thats what i thought so maybe before you go running your mouth you should think hey do i know these people or do i know who theyre friends with? cause you sure talk like youve met/hung out with tay and i just got off the phone with them and they dont even know who the fuck you are so watch yo self. biatch.
B man719: in addition id hope that youd find taylor more attractive than me seeing as im a guy. fag.
B man719: this is goin in the EL JAY
B man719: oh shit shizzeal style