(no subject)

Nov 01, 2005 17:46

And just cause I haven't updated in a bazillion years...here's some post-Halloween loveliness:

Paige's party was super fun even though Claire and I came late.....I watched some of the 100 most horrifying, just not most.... :p

Trick or Treating was awesome avec Jessica and Berengee. (and katie for 10 minutes:p) lotsa yummy candy I loved jessica's costume...she was a clown, make fun of her forever! Berengee u were one sexy bar wench....i loved your skirt!!!!!

next year....lets have a party!!!

oooo...guess what...i got an A on my Physics test, barely but still and A! yay, so much better than the quiz!

ihearttwizzlerz's Halloween party:

binkielover dressed as a senior sheet spreader.

brazenbitch dressed as the Lord of Streets-Monsona.

chococow333 dressed as a hooker, and it suited them disturbingly well.

cleolinda dressed as Dr. Crusher from "Star Trek".

fashions_alter dressed as a concept.

icrydiam0nds dressed as the Archbishop of Excelmoiqa.

moomaid dressed as a pudding.

pesemistic dressed as an iMac.

pyro_wizzard dressed as Karl Rove.

saracutipie dressed as a vampire.

scornedsaint dressed as a Level 6 thief.

spastic_visions dressed as the Flaming Power Ranger.

swimgecko dressed as Scooter Libby.

twilights_quill didn't dress up, spoilsport.

Throw your own party at the Hallomeme!
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