Apr 28, 2005 19:43
so i was in the mood for some entertainment after a long day so i decided to listen to george bush's press conference on the radio...entertaining is most definately an understatement. The man is the leader of the most powerful nation in the world and yet he has the public speaking skills of a 6th grader. its really quite embarrasing. im aware that some poeple are sick and tired of all the bushbashing and that us "stupid liberals" should just shutup and support the president. its really hard to have respect for someone whose political policies undermine our obligation as humans to the planet as well as undermining social justice deserved by all. we find ourselves with a severe oil defecet and yet all he attempts to do is talk OPEC into increasing oil production, instead of truely addressing the problem by educating the public to practice oil concervation by driving less and not driving fucking hummers and other huge cars as such. the only accomplishment that increasing oil production would have is sending the message that it is okay to waste our natural resources because we can always just make more....until we run out. I seem to have digressed from the original reason i was writing this. during the press conference a reporter asked bush why washington was being plagued by partison politics. bush's response..."i feel we have accomplished somethings together as a bipartison unit....following september the 11th out nation came together to stand strong against terrorism." he then went on to use this as an excuse for the development of a missle defense system allowing the government to shoot down any missle or airborne object deemed a threat to the US, and confirming the united states people as a paranoid lot, in constant fear of the threat of attack. Perhaps it might be a wiser idea to promote peace in a slightly more polite way, such as not beginning illegitimate wars to begin with...what bothers me the most about this is that he is using an event that happened FOUR YEARS AGO to justify his regime's current policies. Its embarrassing and shamefull to the thousands of victims of those attacks that bush continues to pawn off their deaths as a political tool: little more than a cattle prod to make people feel guilty or sympathetic.
Thats my rage for the day. If any of yall want to continue the rage or post an opposing opinion that would be nice. post stuff y'all.