<3 give mE a saPpY facE on SatUrdaY_-x-_

Jun 18, 2005 02:12

<33_x--dannng im back finally!!! we gOt hOme thursdaY nite!!! crazy. ya i drOve half way there and baCk. it was insane!!! but ya jus tO let u knO i dO nOt knO ne-thing abOut drivinG!!! haha dannng i sucK lOl ne-waYzz sO lets -c- thursdaY wen i gOt hOme i was gOna gO over davids but hmmm i fell asleep. sO that sux!! i wantd tO gO over there =( ne-ways sO friday was w/k-la like aLL daY and we went tO tulsa fOr horse racing up (dOwn) there... we didn't get hOme till like mid-nite, then we wOke up real early tOday cuz my mOm came nd gOt me but she was realllll late sO i cOuld've slept lOnger. =( uhhh lOl BTW k-la i dO hate magazines... ha nd i lOve ur puppet mOUth. hahaha i love yOU!! =) hmmm we had sOme fun, but we were suppOse tO gO tO Audio A concert yesterday, sO that sucked, but tOday we're gOing tO frontier city and a concert there too. cuz her mOm want'd us tO gO. soOo..ya.
stupid xanga wOn't wOrk , nd i dO noT knO why!!! it's dumb. uhh. soooo yeP. i haven't gOt caught up on ne-freaken sleep im sO mad dannng!!! nd lately i've been sOOOO confused abOut guys lately. i want a bOyfriend but then again i dOn't cuz i jus dOn't want my heart to be brOken again. im so scared for that. i mean i really miss having a boyfriend but i jus don't kno if i want one now but then i do...it's so confusing. i jus don't want him to be a freaken jerk again, cuz im always w/the jerk guys, cuz i guess that is wat i like i can't help it i jus do and i really need to stop that. uhh. sOO there gOes another guy problem!!! im sO lame. hmm ne ways
i gOta go get ready im bout to leave soon and i still gOta clean my room and clean tha kitchen. yippee fun fun!! NOT!! =)
guYs = confusiOn me w/out a bOyfriend = sad and happy???!!!
i jus do not kno!!??!!

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