(no subject)

May 31, 2005 07:08

OMG!! dude ikno this is like the 2nd entry but OMG.!!!!
summer's bOyfriend lance brOke up with her FREAKEN TODAY!! i called her earlier and like it jus then happend. he came over there to go get his freaking crap and says to her "my parents don't think i should be going out w/you" she was crying her eyes out i was like o i wana hurt him. (lOl) they've been gOing out fOr 8months. i feel so bad for her. she didn't stay tonite. but that's ok. i understand. and that boy is crazy. he lost a great girlfriend. but he doesn't understand. BUT ne-ways im real mad cuz i can't freaken do anything tOnite cuz of sOme crap that is gOing on here in tha crib. man O man. but tOmorrOw hOpe tO hang out @ the guy's hOuse. yep. and of cOurse gO tO church ??? mayb??!!! =) yeah
sO im gOna take k-la's quiz that is on her JouRNAL. haha yea im bOred?!
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