May 20, 2007 21:12
DC always gets my mind going. I love city sounds. Fans blowing, birds chirping, people chattering, buses accelerating, taxi cabs honking and causing trouble. These are the sounds of my childhood weekends in Tripoli, hanging off of the “balcona” with an uncle dangling my upper body over the edge ( while my mom tried not to have a panic attack at the thought of my head cracking open on the pavement like a watermelon). I miss it, clay water pots, cold tile floors and a mass of children with nothing better to do than count the number of fly shaped garbage trucks that drove by in an hour. I have a good memory for certain things and this past weekend was especially so for all things North African.
My brother and I have the same maniacal laugh.
I can take a mean picture of myself beheading a ninja turtle.
Green is still going strong as my favorite color.
I need to compose with cut paper.
I am dying a little bit at the thought of not seeing my kiddos next year ::sniffle ::sniffle::
I need to get back to the gym - once the DC blister is gone.
I have incredibly steady hands.
Shrek the Third is pretty cute.