Jan 30, 2005 14:17
i hate days liek these
when i cant stop thikig about you
i want to remember you forever . but i cant ..it hurts
i hate that..and i hate you
sometimes..for leaving us
i dont care why...i think we all know anyway, and thats why we cant let go
i wrote about you last night..
two pages about one day
im sendig it to utexas tomorww..u created an event that had a grat impact on me..you had a great impact on me
some days, it seems liek everythig i see, do ..touch reminds me of you
i passed by st williamso my way home today
i hate funerals
but i loved you
i remeber when you used to wear my sweateron your head like a turban, it was green, and i was red from laughing so hard..middle school was fun
thats my fave memory of you
i remember weak donut, and the bridge, and garcias , faking death with coach jackson, your obsession with techno,taco sauce. thank youfor myincubus cd, i lost that one
i lost you
i miss you
especially today.