(no subject)

Sep 03, 2005 02:25

name:x:: Staci
age:x:: 15
sign:x:: Capricorn

movie watched:x:: Part of 'Snow Dougs' with Mike
book read:x:: The Bible
time you cried:x:: tonight
time you brushed your hair:x:: today
time you felt loved:x:: Today
word said out loud:x:: Ago
time you were sick:x:: I don't rembemer
email you wrote:x:: to Erik the other day. . . :-/
magazine you read:x:: I have no clue
song you heard:x:: I don't remember
cd you listened to:x:: Brooklyn Tabernacle Chior
asignment you did:x:: History test
time you were excited:x:: tonight
time you laughed:x:: Today
person you talked to:x:: Tom
play/concert you saw:x:: Brad Paisly
person you kissed:x:: My Mom (goodnight kiss)
person who kissed you:x:: My Mom (goodnight kiss)

:x:have you ever:x:
drank:x:: No
done drugs:x:: Nope
had sex:x:: Nope
had a sexual experience (doesn't have to be actual sex):x:: Such as?....
cried because of someone of the same sex:x:: Yes...
cried because of someone of the opposite sex:x:: yeah...
kissed someone of the opposite sex:x:: Yeah
kissed someone of the same sex:x:: Never
had a huge crush on someone:x:: Yeah
had a boyfriend:x:: Yeah
how about a lover:x:: the differance between a boyfriend and a lover being...?

:x:do you:x:
like long surveys:x:: Yeah When I'm Bored
like surveys at all:x:: They're ok
like love:x:: Yeah
eat too much:x:: lol, sometimes

:x:are you:x:
a happy person:x:: Yeah
a nice person:x:: Yeah
happy with how you look:x:: Most the time

do you especially like darkness:x:: no
do you go to school dances:x:: not really
do you like them:x:: Sometimes
what do you want to be when you grow up:x:: Architect or Teacher or Something Else
are vampires very dear to your heart:x:: um, no
how about monkeys:x:: yes!
do you have pets:x:: Yeah
brothers:x:: Yeah
sisters:x:: Yupp
are you parents together:x:: yes
or are they divorced:x:: no
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