Jun 04, 2008 15:45
Well, now that we know Benny's not going to die and his eyesight is back and he's all better, you'd think we'd be done with vet appointments, yes? Oh no no! Silly silly thought! No, now that Mr. Benny has moved on from GME and optic neuritis, he has decided to try his hand (or paw as the case may be) at allergies.
The poor guy is biting himself and scratching himself raw. He's chewed the fur off of his back left leg, has scabs from scratching on his face and side and is keeping us all night with the scratching and chewing. This has been going on for a few months, so off to the vet we go! We have treated him for mites, put him on antibiotics and tried various different antihistamines (including Benedryl). Today was the trip to the specialist. That's right, my dog has a dermotologist.
Let's recap, shall we? He has his vet (1), his neurologist (2), his opthamologist (3) and his dermotologist (4). That's right, 4, count 'em, 4 doctors. Thank god for pet insurance! So the dermo thinks that BenBen's got seasonal allergies. I say BS to that since this started long before the trees, grasses and flowers started budding. But no matter, he's found something that works very well for Westies, so Benny will now be on Atopica. I don't know what it is, so don't ask.
Will my poor dog ever be healthy? *sigh*
On to happier thoughts - my 3rd anniversary is nigh. We are planning on going to Wolfgang Puck's restaurant that he just opened up here in DC. I'm looking forward to a night out. Not that I don't love being at home with the dogs, but, you know...time away is good too.