Well, my baby turned 2 yesterday! He's a big boy now and no longer a puppy. :( We got him bones and treats and tennis balls, so he was happy. We also got him a stuffed hedgehog. He immediately eviscerated it and tore one leg off it. Clearly he loves it a lot. LOL
This is after he got a bath and was brushed.
This weekend was wonderful - I went to two Rosh Hashannah dinners (read: free food!), finished 100 Years Of Solitude (can't wait to review that one!) and practiced piano. I'm re-doing Beethoven's Pathetique and I really had forgotten how much I loved it. I need to do A LOT of work to get it up to par, but I'm enjoying it regardless.
So now I'm reading Emma, which I love, and contemplating making everything pumpkin that is possible. I do this every year, but I think I might go overboard this year. Love me some pumpkin! Soups, breads, cakes, pies...I'll eat it in any form.
Oh yeah, and I went to the gym this weekend. I forgot that because I'm sitting. The second I stand or walk, my a$$ starts screaming with pain. I need to work on strengthening my legs because my knee has been bothering me, but seriously, squats are evil!
Hope everyone is walking easier than I am today. :)