it's official..YAY!

Dec 20, 2006 16:56

I have a job. I'm officially a Graphic Designer of AG's product concept dept.
Well not technically till I start but still.
So yeah I have lots to finding an apartment in Cleveland,OH.
Plus all the presents I have been making..I desperatley need to finish those.
My start date is Jan.15, so I'm a bit overwhelmed. Thank goodness,
for them paying for the relocation..and paying people to pack and move
all of my many collections of crap.
I assume I amazingly passed the pee test- it must be true..drinking over 70
ounces of water all moring and afternoon before the test must have helped.
Well those days are pretty well gone- just in case or until I find out more about
their practices for raises and so on. Oh and I'm quitting smoking ciggarettes as
of Christmas's Jaden's wish, and I also promised my mom that i would
quit as the pressure is on.. wish me luck.
I had better get to sewing..more felting..sewing, making collages and a bit of painting..
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