This thing that I'm gonna try to put into an LJ cut

Apr 06, 2005 20:47

[Section 1 - Basics]            Name:: Zachary Michael Willard Age:: 17 Gender:: Male. Height:: 5'10 Weight:: 165 Ring size::pfft, who knows (aside from all of my ex's) Pants size::32 Shirt size::small or medium when the smalls are too short Shoe size::8 1/2 Piercings:: 0 Tatoos::I'm totally gonna get one on my upper back that says "2+2=FISHES" Hair color:: Brown Hair length::'Bout two inches Eye color:: A creepy gray Blue Zodiac sign:: Aries Chinese zodiac sign:: Dragon Body type/size:: huh?  Extra medium Birthday:: March 25, 1988 Birthplace:: Somewhere in Missouruh (I guess I should find out) Place now:: Crown Point, IN Race/ethnicity:: Britt School and grade/year:: Crown Point High School, 11th Grade Natural hair color:: brown GPA::2.5 or something Blood type:: A- Hobbies:: Guitar, music, and DDR I.Q.::148 Do you excercise:: Nah Are you healthy:: yeah, except for the diabetes Fun?::Love that stuff Serious?::sometimes Sarcastic?::not really Funny?:: I'd say so. Cute?::Jackie thinks so Pretty?::I feel pretty Good-looking?::let's not give me a big head Beautiful?::my dad once hit me when I called him beautiful Optimistic?:: Well, I see the glass as the other half is mine. Smart?:: Who cares? Oppinionated?:: YES. Outgoing?::Yeah, but I don't try too hard to be. Shy?::Only on the inside. Unique?:: that's not for me to say Sweet?:: When someone deserves it Hyper?:: Oh, when you get me hyper... Talkative?::Yeah. Creative?:: When I'm depressed. Imaginative?:: Always. Gloomy?:: seldom Happy?::seldom Depressed?::I have tendencies (not CHICKEN TENDENCIES, Chris) Silly?::Yes, but not with a lisp, like thilly (shudders) Loud?::Yeah, it drives my dad nuts. Quiet?:: when I'm uncomfortable Dependant?:: I don't really need anything but my insulin Loyal?::Unless you piss me off Truthful?:: when I want to be Clever?:: I'm the spur of the moment type. Confident?:: Sometimes too much, sometimes not enough Annoying?:: Not as much as this survey is gonna be to read. Artistic?::Occasionally. Musical?::It's only expression of my soul. Poetic?:: I love writing. Charming?::Well, how else would I have such a beautiful girlfriend? Wise?::When I need to be Special?::tch, how would I know? Magickal?:: nah Sensitive?::too much Lustful?:: sometimes Sexy?:: I'm British.... Horny?::not really Loving?::I'm pretty loving. Lazy?::yes Stylish?:: Just like Pauly shore Normal?::hate that word Psycho?:: no Goofy?:: her hyuk Brave?:: nah, just ignorant of consequences [Section 2 - This or that about you] Righty/lefty:: lefty Glasses/contacts/none:: Glasses Schemas-Punk/goth/prep/thug/none::screw that crap Innie/outie::innie Tan/pale/average:: tan except or Freckles/none:: none. [Section 3 - Family] Mom's name::Kathy Dad's name:: Walter Siblings/their names/their ages::older half bro-Jason-21/older half sis-Danielle-19/li'l bro-Brandon-15 Dead family members:: Well, no one's told me they're dead yet. Do you live with your siblings?:: my li'l bro. Parents married/divorced/neither?:: Married. Parents together/separated/dating/none?:: Together Do you have any stepparents?::: No. Ex-stepparents?:: Nope. Do you have any children of your own?:: Naw If so, what are their names and ages?  Yappy Mc Doesn'texist [Section 4 - Favorites] Color:: Blue Food:: Meat Drink:: Green Tea Flavor::cherry Movie:: I'm not big on media, but anything with Pauly Shore in it. Band::I'll always have some side favorites, but Weezer always stays on top. Show:: I don't really watch television. Game:: Final Fantasy VII Element:: Favorite-Balonium (most delicious one on the chart) Least favorite- Francium (for obvious smelly reasons) Music type:: Rock 'n' Roll Actor:: Who cares? Actress:: Drew Barrymore (I used to have a thing for her) Month:: June Season:: Summer Holiday:: My Birthday (is that conceited?) Shampoo/conditioner:: Whatever my mom decides is my favorite when she's at the store Song:: My Name is Jonas Number::# Phrase::Great, now there's blood everywhere, Jackass. Word::nuggets Magazine::Guitar World Restaurant::Ed Debevic's- That one where they insult you and get paid for it (I want a job there) Sport::Not important Animal:: tie between the dragon and cute little bunnies. Language:: English, Japanese (semi fluent) Girl's name:: Jackie Boy's name:: Gary (not really) Flower::I never really thought about it. Country:: Britain Weather:: excrutiating heat ('cause that means swimming!) or thunder storms Person::Current:Jackie All time: probably myself [Section 5 - Sex] Sexual preference:: I'm a fella who likes women (well some of them) Are you a virgin?:: yes, thank God (cough, DESI, cough) Do you like to have sex?::I'd probably like that, but only with my wife. Do you like to have oral sex?:: nah Do you like to have anal sex?:: well...nah Do you like to give more or get more?:: It should be equal Do you usually give more or get more?:: I don't give or get. Does size matter?::What, MY size?  It matters to me (only because I'm proud of it). Do you like to kiss?::Yes French kiss?::Yes (but it can ruin a conversation) Make out?:: not for extended periods of time Favorite position:: Assistant manager Are you more dominant?:: Yeah, I think I would be. Or more submissive?:: when it's fun Are you more sadistic?::no Or more masochistic?:: no Do you like to use toys?:: Don't take the innocence of my legos! Cuffs?:: I've been cuffed, but it wasn't kinky.  It was an arrestation. Bondage?:: Not into kinky stuff Wax?::no, that'd hurt to much Clothes pins/ clamps?::Sure, if she smells. Chains?::They look cool. Gags?::Like the one my parents played on me by telling me I wasn't an accident? Collars?::only for dogs, and dogs don't belong in this section Leashes?:: (See Above) Whips?:: mmmaybe Paddles?::Only for ping pong Other things?::whipped cream and licking Do you look at porn?:: No. [Section 6 - Friends] Would you consider yourself "popular"?:: Who analyzes their popularity?. Would you rather have a lot of friends or a few good friends?:: A Few good friends and some 500-odd acquaintances   on whom you can say hi to when your real friends aggravate you. Who is your best friend?:: Chris, Pat, Jackie, Brian Do you have a lot of friends?::yeah How many good friends would you say you had?::Well, they all think of me as their good friend, but there're sooo many             of them, it's hard to be good friend back. Are you a good friend?:: It's the thing I try hardest at. Has anyone ever told you that you were a good friend?::Yes. Has anyone ever told you that you were a bad friend?::No, but I'm guessing they don't like me. Do you tend to be more outgoing or shy?:: Outgoing. Do you consider yourself to be better than your friends?:: Nah, we all got stuff we're good at. Do you consider you and your friends to be better than everyone else?:: yeah--damn preppies. Do you think your friends ever get tired of you?:: probably. Do you ever get tired of your friends?:: Yes Do you like to make new friends?:: that's always fun Do you talk a lot?: yes Are you nervous when you talk to people? :: not usually Do you ever say your someone's friend just to make them feel good?:: I dunno why that would make them feel good, but I                 don't think so. Do you ever lie about who your friends are?: pretty much everyone is my friend, so why would I lie to my friend about my     other friend? Do you ever play people as friends to make yourself look good?:: No [Section 7 - Love] Do you believe in love?::yes Do you believe in love at first sight?::No, not really What is love?::Love is when you care about a person so much that you could take care of them for the rest of your life, or     even die for them and not have a single regret about it. Have you ever been in love?:: No. Are you now?:: Who knows at this point? Have you ever told someone you loved them?::Yes If so, were you telling the truth? If not, would you?::I thought I was, but I was just ignorant of the concept of love. Are you married/divorced/neither?:: Neither. Are you with someone/single/dating/none?::with a very awesome someone Do you believe in soulmates?::Yes Could you ever fall in love with someone of a different religion?:: No. Different ethnicity?::I'm gonna go with yes. Same gender?:: No. Different political views?:: Yeah, because I'm an anticrat. Do you love certain material possesions?:: My guitar Certain hobbies?:: guitar (about 6 hours a day) writing poetry Your friends?::Yes Your family?:: *sigh*yes, and they know it, so it's too late to say otherwise Yourself?::I have to love myself before I can know the criteria for someone to be loved by me. Do you have a crush?:: I'm dating a two year crush (it's exciting) Do you date people just because of how they look?:: No, that's just extra credit. Do you care how people look?::no, as long I know they bathe Would you date someone who was sweet even if they weren't good-looking?:: Yes, I would Would you date someone hott even if they were assholes?:: tch, NO Would you date someone who was nice to you but asshole to others?:: If I found out, I'd dump her. Would you date someone for their money?: No. Would you use someone?:: Never. Have you used someone?::maybe(guilty yes). Have you dated someone just for their money?:: No. Have you ever dated someone who was sweet but weren't good-looking: No, i've only dated one sweet girl, and she's very     beautiful. Have you ever dated someone who was hott even though they were an asshole?:: No. Have you ever dated someone who was nice to you but an asshole to others?:: yes. Would you ever date someone because you were desperate?:: No.t desperate, but bored.  I had a whole summer to fill. Have you?:: Not desperate, but bored.  I had a whole summer to fill. Would you ever date someone for sexual reasons?:: No. Have you?:: No. Would you ever have an internet bf/gf?:: No. Have you?:: No [Section 8 - Politics and such] Are you a democrat?:: No. Or a republican?:: No. Or independent?:: I’m an anticrat. How do you feel about abortion?:: It's murder. Gay marriage?:: It's murder. Smoking?:: It's murder. Marijuana?::It's idiotic. Drugs?::Depends. Illegal immigrants?::If they actually  WANT to be here, why stop 'em? Premarital sex?:: No. Porn?:: Perverted Alcohol?::Not for me. Racism?::Not acceptable/ignorant Whores/prostitution?::Not unless I'm the one makin' the income Cloning?::Sin against nature and God. Suicide?:: There's always something to look forward to. Death penalty?::Let God handle the killings. Religion in government?:: Should exist. Our president?::Opinion polls be damned, he's still the man. Downloading music?:: I do it. Burning::CD's or stuff?  'Cause either's fine by me! Welfare?::I'm on Medicaid, so I kinda hafta to be pro on this. Animal testing?:: It's bad enough that humans have to take the SAT. Gambling?:: Immoral and a waste of money School uniforms?:: Only if they're hot, haha. One nation, under God?:: The pledge doesn't mean anything when anyone says it anyway, and they're gonna take out the     only important part?   [Section 9 religious belief] What religion do you practice?:: Christianity Ever practiced a religion besides the one you practice now?:: Three hours a day after school... I mean "No." Has someone ever tried to force you into believing certain things?::Yes. Has someone ever tried to force you to practice another religion?:: yes. Do you go/have you been to religious gatherings?:: Yes. What religion are your parents?:: Christian Do your parents care if you practice the same religion as them or not?:: Probably Do they know what religion you practice?:: Yeah. Are you open about your beliefs?:: I'm very fixed in my views OF THE TRUTH. Have you ever lied about your religious beliefs to look cool?:: No. Do you believe a superior being exists/ existed and created life?:: Yes God?::  Yes. Gods?:: No. Does God/do the Gods have a gender?:: I don't think he needs a gender. No God?:: No. Big Bang Theory?::Maybe to an extent. Heaven/Hell?:: Yes Jesus?:: Yes Angels/demons?:: Yes. Spirits?:: Yes Ghosts?:: I don't think so. Reincarnation?:: No. The trinity?:: Yes. Miracles?:: Yeah. Aliens?:: Maybe. Magick?:: It exists, but it's evil and ineffective if you plan on getting into heaven. Wait, is there a difference when it's     with a "k"? Witchcraft?:: see above Tarot?:: No. Psychics?:: false prophets Vampires/werewolves/other?:: That'd be cool. Prayer?:: Yeah. Rituals?:: No. Love?:: Yes. Fate?:: maybe Predestination?:: Maybe, Horoscopes?::no, but fun to laugh at Astrology?::see above Superstitions?::no Luck?::no Telepathy?:: no Energies?::like, gatorade? Familiars?:: no Sacred animals?:: cows are delicious, but not sacred Animals are superior, inferior or equal to humans?::inferior, but more important Initiation ceremonies?:: tag you're it! Night and day differ for a religious reason?:: No. Ethnicity making someone superior/inferior to others?:: No. Does your religion forbid anything?:: Yeah. Do you dress certain ways to express your religion?:: No. Do other people assume what religion you practice by what you wear?:: No. Are humans/animals naturally good/evil/neutral/depends?::naturally evil Do you meditate/fast/chant/other?:: I fast sometimes Do you believe/agree with everything about your religion?::yes Do you believe you're right and no one elses religion matters?:: Not that I'm right, but God is right. Do you ever doubt your religion or religious beliefs?:: no Do you believe in yourself?:: Like religiously? no, but I have confidence Are you open to other religions?:: Nah. Do you feel superior to people who don't believe the same things as you?:: No. Do you think everyone should practice your religion?:: Yes. Do you even believe in anything?:: yes Are you interested in learning about other religions?::yes, just for curiousity of what they think is right [Section 10 - Animals] Do you have any pets?:: Yes If so what are they? If not, do you want any?::2 dogs, a cat, various insects/arachnids, and an Afghani Gecko What kind of pet would you like to have?::I want an Italian person. What is your favorite color on animals?:: That's a sick question! Do you believe people should keep pets?:: Yes. Should all animals be free?:: Well they should  be, but whatever. Do you enjoy animals?:: Yes. Do you like taking care of animals?:: Yes. Do your animals keep you company?:: I like to sing to my animals because I'm dorky. Do you kill animals?::No Do you hunt?:: NO Do you hate animals?:: Not at all.. Do you think animals have feelings?:: Yes. Do you like small/big/all/no animals?:: All. Do you think animals are treated poorly?:: Yes. Do you wish you could change the way people act towards animals?:: Yes. [Section 11 - This or that] Big/small:: small Cat/dog: dog Black/white:: black is way cooler Coffee/tea:: Tea Pepsi/coke:: Coke, but not Diet.  Diet Pepsi, but not regular Pepsi. Soda/other:: other Wine/beer::neither Pulp/none::I enjoy a good pulpy beverage (as long as it's not milk) Scary/comedy:: comedy Books/magazines:: Books Noise/silence:: Silence Winter/summer:: Summer Autumn/spring:: Spring Summer/spring::Summer Winter/autumn:: Autumn Night/day:: Night Hugs/kisses:: Hugs Life/death:: Life TV/movie:: Movie TV/book:: Book Fruits/vegetables:: Fruits Meat/vegetables:: Meat Cigarettes/alcohol::neither Cold/hot:: hot Normal/different:: Different Male/female:: Who me? School/none::School Red/blue:: Blue Smart/fun:: Smart Love/hate:: Love Salt/sugar:: Sugar Chocolate/vanilla::chocolate Evil/good:: both are necessary Clean/dirty:: just a little dirty Angel/demon::Angel Sunrise/sunset:: Sunset Punk/goth:: Punk Punk/prep:: Punk Goth/prep:: Goth Truth/lies:: Truth Citrus/tasteless:: Citrus Cake/cookies::Cookies Sun/moon:: Moon Rain/snow:: Rain. Piercings/none::I want the eyebrow Short/long hair:: Long Brand name/couldn't care less:: Couldn't care less Pool/ocean:: Pool Pen/pencil:: Pencil Sports/none::none Wet/dry:: wet Bath/shower::shower Fireworks/glowsticks::fireworks Lick/bite::lick Naked/clothed:: we are ALL naked in the beginning and the end.  Kinda fun ain't it? Internet/phone:: Phone (although both are rather impersonal) [Section 12 - Education] Do you go to school?:: Yes. Have you gone to school?:: Yes. What's your level of education?:: Well, I'm in 11th grade, but I'm one of the select few that deserves to be in it. Do you like school?::It's a pretty good medium for hilarity Learning?:: Good stuff Have you ever been homeschooled?:: no Would you rather be homeschooled?:: naw Would you rather go to public or private school?:: Pubic (I mean it) Have you ever skipped school?::yeah, only when I feel like it, though,hehe Faked sickness to get out of school?:: yeah Been suspended?::about 20 times altogether (various schools) Expelled?:: No. In detention?:: Yes. What's your favorite subject?:: English and Drama Least favorite?::Social Studies Your schedule, block/periods/neither?:: Periods What are your grades generally like?:: Straight A's when I care, C's when I fail to see the importance. Do you have many classes with your friends?:: Not really. What classes do you want to take?::Tie Bow (bows are just so pretty) [Section 13 - What makes you] Happy?:: Breaking the communication gap between my peers and myself. Sad?::Feeling inadequate Laugh?:: being overwhelmingly happy, noticing unmistakable irony in someone's personality, and pretty much everything     else Dance?:: DDR and moshy music Sing?:: passion Horny?::Overwhelming kindness and beauty (both of them) Scared?::Nothing. seriously, I guess I just don't care enough Look good?::rest Feel good?:: Knowing I did something right Feel bad?:: Anytime someone is displeased with me (even if I didn't do anything wrong) Cry?:: Realizing I'll always be alone despite the people constantly surrounding me. Jealous?:: Nothing, really.  We all have something. Envious?::Screw envy Scream?::fun, anger, music, and the hopes of sounding terrifying Angry?:: I'm pretty laid back. Smile?:: Jackie Blush?:: Jackie Sleepy?::Not sleeping.  And high blood sugar Excited?:: I'm pretty reserved when it comes to being excited Nervous?:: The fact that I probably should be nervous at times that I'm not. Hungry?:: The mention of food Thirsty?:: a mouth full of sandpaper because I breathed with my mouth all night Feel lonely?:: being alone Sick?:: viruses Mean?:: someone pising me off Want a hug?::Missing Jackie Want a kiss?:: Not having kissed Jackie yet. Bored?:: people Crazy?:: coco puffs Feel strong?::Hanging around my friends Feel important?::being appreciated Quit?:: I never quit. [Section 14 - 1-10 Rating, How important is/are] Friends:: 8 Family:: 10 Music:: 10 Love::10 Happiness:: Mine::1 Others’:: 100 People:: 5 Silence:: 5 Animals:: 7 Education:: 5 Religion:: 10 Life::10 Medication::10 (insulin) Food::9 Sleep:: 4 Health::5 Wealth::0 Nature::stick Shopping:: 3 Fun:: 7 Comfort:: 7 Water:: 10 Sex:: 5 Clothes:: 1 let's be naked Alcohol::0 Cigarettes:: 0 Computer:: 0 Phone:: 5 [Section 15 - Have you ever] Went skinny dipping?:: yes..chilly Done drugs?:: No Drank alcohol?:: No Played strip poker?:: I hate poker, but I'd be a stripping cheerleader for poker Climbed a tree?:: yes Fallen from a tree?:: 20 feet. FUN FUN! Bungee jumped?:: That'd be cool. Been to Disneyland/world?:: Unfortunately Been stung by a bee?:: I stung myself with a dead bee. Pierced yourself?:: No. Sky dived?:: No, but I wanna Rolled your tongue?:: Yeah Made a four-leaf clover with it?: No. Skiied?::No, it's probably boring Run into a wall?:: ceratinly. Been on an airplane?:: Yes. On a train?:: Yes. Fainted?::Yeah. Thrown up on purpose?::Oh yeah! Eaten an insect?::In my cruel days For no reason?::yes [Section 16 - Misc.] What color are your socks today?:: gray (should be white) Is that your monkey over there sneezing?:: uh, no Do you own a spotted umbrella?:: no Do you like sporks?:: Taco Bell! What about chopsticks?::I love those. How many fingers do you have?:: 10 Do you have any stiches?:: No. If you could be anything/anyone you wanted, what/who would you be?::Myself, but with superpowers! Are you a fairy?:: I can be anything you want. Do you abuse/starve your sims?:: I hate that game. How many candles do you own?:: 2 Do you wear scarves?::No. Would you care if I licked your face like a cow?:: That'd be just great! Are the bunnies pink?:: They are if Jackie's wearing pink.. What about the hamsters, what color are they?Blorange.  I made it up. I'll have to show you sometime. What do you think about make-up?::Not necessary for girls to fret over. Definitely not on a guy.  Maybe a little. Random word that starts with Q:: Quanky If you could live anywhere, where would it be?:: Britain, Spain, Japan Do you like to be naked?:: Yes.. All your base _________:: are belong to us!  That came outta left field My life has never been a bed a roses:: Not true. Munchy munchy have a taco for::free! Yes that comes in::a bowl of gravy. I got::a rock. Baby, life is like a ride on a:: smooth skateboard upon a chuddy road What is life?:: Whatever you dream.
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