Apr 12, 2005 19:06
I officially initiated into Alpha Omicron Pi yesterday! I am so happy and I know I have made one of the best choices in my entire life. The girls of AOII are so diverse and friendly. They are all so beautiful and sincere. Im really proud to wear the letters. The ritual was more than I expected it to be. I feel 10x's closer than I did before initiation but I guess thats the point.
Only 3 more weeks until summer! On one hand I am so excited to see my very best friends but on the other it will be so sad and weird not to be around the wonderful girls on 2FW. I have become so close with them in so little time. Paige, Brittany and I are becoming really great friends, I feel like I can talk to them about anything and they give me really good advice. Brittany always puts a smile on my face and she seems like she has the biggest heart. I love that girl. And I love being able to have a "Buh-Rit" here.. it gives me a piece of home. Paige is so down to earth, I think she is by far the coolest girl I've ever met. She is just so relaxed and laid back. I think I feel closest with Allison on a "you could definitely be one of my lifelong friends" kind of way. She reminds me so much of myself and is always so giving. I trust her more than anyone at Eastern. Stacey is HILARIOUS. She can make you laugh by just making a facial expression. She comes from great roots and makes me appreciate life in general more than I would if I hadn't met her. She constantly reminds me to smile and live life without caring what other people think/ on the floor and in life outside of Palmer Hall. I needed to learn that lesson and with anything, Im still working on it. Melissa is my roomate. Sometimes we have really good talks. I think her moving to Bernham was the best decision she's ever made. She can get the focus on her schoolwork and have fun when she wants. I think we may be too much alike in small ways for us to really get along like we should. But I really have tried and put in a lot of effort, theres only so much you can do. It can be hard to get along with roomates bc youre stuck in a tiny room, maybe under different circumstances we would have clicked a little better. Im going to be myself regardless of what anyone thinks or says, if theyre my 'friend' theyll accept it. I think shes been stressed out, & I just think we need a movie night and to destress and just chill without being catty or girls. Last week I think I appreciated her for the 1st time. She made me laugh about just regular stuff.. we were both talking while falling asleep and it was nice, I wish it were like that all the time with us. Lindsey and Angela are the sweetest girls in the world. They are so genuine and always there for anyone, I hope Linds and I hang out a lot this summer! Caley and Sam just moved back in. THEY ARE SO FUNNY! They have brought to this floor so much laughter and love that was needed.. we were all getting a little stressed.
School is going well.. I got my AOII gifts last night, they were wonderful! I LOVE my big and I love my bag it was perfect for me, pink and green with white polka dots.. I LOVE LOVE LOVE It.. If I were to pick a bag out for me I would have picked out the same thing. My big, Jess is amazing. She is so thoughtful and giving. I love her so much. I know there are some bad stereotypes about sororities, my best friend Ashley despises them, but AOII has been wonderful and so great for me. These girls are easily becoming some of my best friends.
I have been trying to plan a surprise trip to Pittsburgh for months, Ashley had to back out because her car needs work. It would have been hilarious and so fun. Bree, thank you for my adorable card. I love you so much!
I have to go get ready for Pike Dream girl.. Love you all! This was a LONG update!