So here is my blurb on the election:
I didn't like either of the canidates
Much of what Obama stands for I hate (note: not all)
I think it is cool that we do have a black president, and that is very cool moment in history
Well, I know thousands of christians have been praying for God's will to be done
and I trust with all my heart that God heard our
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If by this you mean a system where ordinary working people can work & afford to pay their bills, have access to medical care without worry, decent schools, decent wages etc. What's wrong with that?
I gather that at present a lot of ordinary working Americans are working all hours, at several jobs, & still can't afford to pay their every day bills, never mind extra ones. When it's these (ordinary, decent) people who are being squeezed something may well be wrong with the system.
Socialism, as known in Europe, means far more Government involvement than Obama ever seems likely to be planning.
Under the current Free Market Economy the Financial Sector (read bankers & financial whizz kids) seem to have forgotten about their responsibilities as members of the human race & just concentrated on making money. As much as possible, for themselves, by any possible means (thus financing the extremely dodgy sub-prime market). 'Scuse me, but this looks like the worship of Mammon to me. The pursuit of money to the exclusion of all else. (& the British financial lot were apparently just as busy in pursuit of Mammon.) A country does not become, or stay, great by flouting the first Commandment!
Rich & poor will always be with us. It's the responsibility of the Rich to look out for the poor - whether by individuals providing services, 'trickle down', or legislation it matters not. I reckon the best mark of the greatness of any society is how it treats it's most disadvantaged. Does it treat them as people & care for them, or does it write them off as losses? Cos, as you know, writing them off isn't Christ's way.
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