I've had the MOST amazing week! Let's recap:
Monday: Saw PJ Harvey with Shoshana...god I love that woman. Her concert was so different. It was a very relaxed vibe...dare i say homely? It was cool, every couple songs the band memembers would switch intrusments. I fell in love with the guitar/drummer and Shosh had the hots for the bass/keyboard player. There was a crazy girl in the floor (probally tweaked out on whatever). Shosh and I ate at the Denny's and caught up. We drove home late, through the hills, acting like we were Violet and Claire (we still haven't decided whose who?)
Wednesday: Loren Kramer convinces me he is the reincarnation of Andy Wharhol. Andy died Feb. 22nd 1987, Loren was born March 18th 1987 (see the connection...it's okay I don't either!) What else? What else? OH YEAH I MET TOM FORD! My hero...my gay lov-a! He was signing his new book at Barney's! I waited two hours in line, but it was totally worth it. I told him he was amazing and he was my idol! He said thank you, but my mother says I freaked him out!
Friday: It was just an amazing day. It was just relaxed and easy. How Friday's should be! I had painting last, we didn't really do anything. After class I had an amazing talk with Tremante. I felt understood. I felt like I had a place.
Saturday: Came to Prospective Parent Day, to help Valenzuela and get some Extra Credit. Ended up explainig the block scheduale to a bunch of parents. Went home, left to go to a 'art school' expo. Got utterly feaked out, because I realized that if I don't into Parsons, FIT, Otis, or Central Saint Martins, I'm fucked! Went and had lunch/linner at The Standard Downtown. TOTALLY COOL, they don't have a resturant but a whacked out diner. It was like Tim Burton's/Kelly Wearlester's version of a dinner.
This is what the place looks like! Cool huh?
Then I drove over and saw Sean and Anne's Baby. It's so wierd he looks like an Asian version of Sean! hehe! He's big though...17 pounds! He's only two months old!
Holy crap I look like my Mom in that picture!
Well that was my week!