slow sundays

Dec 09, 2007 14:02

Exams are this week.  I've got three, but only one is comprehensive, so compared to other semesters, it isn't a bad week, but the classes are harder in general, and therefore, the exams will still be pretty tough.

...that was almost a run-on many commas...

I'm excited to be going home for a while.  Although I will fight with my parents, it's gonna be great having to not worry about school for a few weeks.  I've got a lot to do during the break though.  December 18th are Carrie's bridal photos, and December 29th is the wedding.  I'm so nervous!  I hope I do everything right!

Friday was her lingerie shower.  It was a success and it's really funny because she got 8 sexy outfits and her honeymoon is 8 days long!  OOLALA!

I went to the state championship with a few friends yesterday.  Spain Park lost but it was good to see them go so far.  I'm very proud of them!

I'm graduating in 8 months...holy crap.

Santa already brought me two presents.  Here's one that I already got to open and am using almost daily.  It's the HP Photosmart C5280, and I love it!

Here's one that Santa shipped to my dad and therefore, I won't get until Christmas morning.  (but let me tell you, I got to peek at it on Thursday, and it is PERFECT!  It's a Dell Inspiron, and it's green just like this one!

They come in all these colors.  I thought about pink too, but I'm fixing to graduate and that's not very professional.  Also, I thought about the white, but I didn't like the way it felt.

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