Apr 09, 2007 06:58
it's been way too long since i've updated.
and i have zero time.
i've been "updating" on life through myspace bulletins. that's it.
i was only supposed to come to the library to get a book for my brother, but knew i'd check myspace because i can't always get to it at my house. and now i'm here.
my cousin. god. i've never ever had anyone care so much. or try to help me out. just now when i read his message, i started crying.
this is ridiculous. and i wish i could write forever. but i can't. so here's what's been going on:
i thought i lost my best friend, but today i realized i haven't.
i'm working on coming out to my parents, and it hurts way more than i thought. but i'm going to, have to, need to do it. this week.
i had a job for three weeks, but they decided that they overhired and couldn't keep me. i'm fine with that now.
i hate the question "how was your spring break?" but now i think i'm ready for it. i'm pretty excited to say "well the most memorable thing was coming out to my parents." oh my gosh. i'm so so ready for it.
hopefully my parents'll take it decently well. but i can't prepare for it too much. because. i just can't.
i haven't been this happy in a while, and i think it's all because i'm away from school and people. the end.
i just realized that [i don't think] i cried yesterday. =)
"happy feet" is a dumb movie. don't waste your time.
i wish i had more time to WRITE and not summarize. because god knows, i have lots to day. but. i have to go before i get in some huge amounts