Nov 30, 2005 20:12
If everyone worked out a lot more, everyone would be a lot hotter.
Working out in the morning is really good for waking up. You guys should try it
out. Just a light workout, like some pushups and bicycle crunches, maybe a couple
curls. Then you stretch; mmm yeah baby, that feels nice. A little faster now,
harder, yeah, ooOoOoOohhhh yeaaah.
Today some jackass in a truck was tailgating me, so as we came up to a red light,
I stopped in the middle of the road like 30-40 feet away from the light. the jackass
honked like mad, and I turned around, smiled and waved at him.
Today Ed found out that my dad teaches one of his classes; that was pretty funny.
Also, today Blake and I walked around in his woods, and climbed up little magnolia
trees and rode them down to the ground. That was a lot of fun. Then we went out to
the road and hit his shuttlecock around with badminton racquets. :D
That was fun too; we kept on saving really hard to get shots, and then missing
really easy shots. It was pretty funny, but kind of frustrating since we were trying
to keep up a rally.
I hope people read all of what I wrote.