can i just get a record player that works?

Jun 27, 2005 12:09

i have two record players at home. needles are broken. i am not allowed to have sgt. pepper's from garrad until i have a "working" record player. this is not fair because he already gave it to me. whatever. i will not get into this. then for christmas i received a player from a good friend of mine. of course, the needle was broken. last night my girl lindsay gave me hers. i later noticed that the needle was bent. i couldn't believe it. i think my dad ordered me a needle for one. he better have. i really want that record. it is my favorite of all time. i know rubber soul, revolver, and the white album are spectacular, but sgt. pepper is special to me. i now have in my possession 4 record players, and none work. i will buy one at wal mart. i looked at the last wal-mart and they were sold out.

things i hate:
ed shaw
pure chocolate
p.f. chang's
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