<3 fill out please

Mar 31, 2005 17:10

If you read this,

even if i don't speak to you often,

post a memory of me.

It can be anything you want, it can be good or bad,

just so long as it happened.

Then post this to your journal. See what people remember about you...

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Silly Lisa, Comments are for Ryan Kokrda. anonymous April 4 2005, 19:08:48 UTC
Hi This Is Ryan Kokrda.

My fondest memories begin in 3rd grade. You dressed up like a cat and I was Christy, the pink power ranger. And I was hot.
I also remember you being incredibly in love with Miles Aaron Williamson, and me plastering that all over my diary. One time I went over your house and we played a Disney game on an insanely large book thing. I wore a furby shirt to one of your birthdays. I also remember us not talking much from 6-8th grade except for a few random sleepovers at Kelsie's. And you being obsessed with Dream Street and doing a dumb dumb dumby dumb project on it for french. "Chris aime le chocolate gateau." Yeah? Well Courtney aime Lisa Shut Up. How could I forget, painting and singing during study halls and creeping my boyfriend out. In my feild of paper floooowerrrs. Our reuniting at my birthday party in which we pulled an all nighter. And watched movies, and read diarys, and did the electric slide with Allison. And everyone likes me. And I am the best drawer of ying yangs. And Lisa thinks she is cool but she's not. And Kelsey and Lisa love Miles. And how CUTE, they have the same last name... and everyone likes me. And we took a trip to dunkin donuts, and talked about drugs and alcohol for 2 hours, and visited Dennine and her 30 cats. And we have fun study halls together. Wooooooooo hoooooo... LADY LIBERTYYYYYYYYYYYYYY.
<3 Ryan Kokrda.
p.s. "What kinda beeeaads do ya neeeed".
p.s.s. my heart CRACKED .. if ya know what i mean.
p.s.s.s. <3 Courtney Soucy


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