Good day SIR

Jun 23, 2012 21:57


I finished Natsu and Saigo no Koi and then watched the 5th episode of 3 Peace!
- I skimmed through the last 2 episodes of Natsu
- So yeah Natsume/Nakai... so much a like. Appearance wise xD Nakai really had no fashion sense back then! Totally agree with SMAP on that. Khaki pants, plain shirts, shoes... and flat hair. I think of him as a 70s kid... actually I think that most of the time when he is lacking a hat on his head :D
But like I said before... it was refreshing to see Nakai in a romance drama...well Konkatsu was... kind of but nothing really happened. This time he had someone his age, so it wouldn't be awkward if they kiss and other business ya know! Actually Takako is a couple of months older than Nakai ;]
I thought they were cool together.

Today was Hotel Venus DAY! It was very different from your typical film. I liked the colors. My eyes got so adjusted! I liked how all things blue still had its color. It seemed like a 70s film. Nakai would have fit well in it! I wonder where did they film it...not in Japan right? Hmm I'll look it up. There really were a lot of well known actors in it! I thought every one that wasn't Korean but spoke did well! So cool! Man it really makes me want to study the foreign language I'd like to learn so I can sound good.
Shingo at the ending!! I knew it was him when the camera was just on his shoes because I heard his voice!
Too funny xD And I didn't know duster wasn't Korean until I saw the credits xD I fail.
Shingo saying "Annyong haseyo" was so cute... haha oh and when he was speaking Engrish too! Shingo in his mohawk days^^

Speaking of ShinTsuyo! The song that was played often... I'm so sure it's the same singer from the episode of SMAP Short Films that ShinTsuyo danced to... it was such a weird film. But I laughed my ass off during it even though I didn't clearly understand what was going on xD

hotel venus, smap, katori shingo, nakai masahiro, natsu no koi wa nijiiro ni kagayaku, saigo no koi, kusanagi tsuyoshi

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