Jun 02, 2007 17:04
I feel like an update is in order here because a lot of shit has happened in my life in the past few weeks.
First and foremost, I can finally call myself an upper classman, which is totally awesome. Cranked out two Bs, a B-, and an A- last semester, finally boosting my GPA to over a three. Talked with my faculty adviser and it turns out since I knew what I wanted to study all along, I only have three more classes and a capstone left for my major! Whew, pressure's off! Also definitively cemented my minor, which I decided should be history (considering I had already taken a couple history classes and I only have to take four more to fulfill the requirements in their entirety).
I'm living in Worcester this summer like usual (although I am updating this from No Sto, good ol' convenient hometown only an hour away). Just like last summer, I don't have internet, because I've been kicked out of Clark housing until the fall semester and I'm too cheap to actually pay for it. I'm living with a bunch of vegan chicks in an apartment and all of them are pretty easy on the eyes, except for the excruciating fact that they lack hygene and don't shave their armpits. Okay, that whole last sentence was an exaggeration except for the easy on the eyes part. I'm still a sucker for a pretty face.
Which led me to conclude that a distancing from Jessica was in order considering we were living so far away, so we decided to take it easy on the relationship stuff until school started again. I'm so pathetic though, I've cracked already and am going up to visit her soon! Which requires riding on a ferry! Yay! Ferry Ride!
Saw Weird Al for the ninth time the other night, which was awesome! Listening to a lot of the following lately: Billy Bragg, Mischief Brew, Stiff Little Fingers, Johnny Cash, Eric Bogle, DOA, and Leftover Crack - whose new CD with Citizen Fish is only sub-par at best even though the track with Jello Biafra is cool :(
We're looking at the fucking motherload of a summer tour here too. I'm predicting it to be the best show of the summer, so all you people go to these:
The Street Dogs & The Tossers - July 5th in Boston and 6th in Hartford
I know that personally, I will be at both.
Nobody go see that movie Bug.