Dec 10, 2005 01:09
haaa teee taaa.
I had a good day at work. I'm starting to be able to be sassy, and people know I'm joking.
I miss my friends. But I know in my heart that moving here was the right choice in the long run. More oppertunity for life itself. As much as I miss the independance of living on my own, I love and adore and thank my parents for helping me like they have. I just gotta get my own little groove in life going. I go a lot of places on my own, which is a big change for me. I'm getting better just going up to strangers. I'm starting to notice when guys hit on me. Ooo I was driving last night, and this truck pulled up next to me. And this HOT guy was like "smile, it gets better"....kinda lame I know. but he was hot. and then he gave me a big smile. So I take notice when a guy is talking to me about something stupid, cause chances are, he didn't have a better thing to talk about, he just wanted to talk to me. I hope this is right, cause I'm so clueless when it comes to that, and I don't have a little Karla fairy on my shoulder telling me if this or that guy wanted to do me. hahaha
I can't wait to see her in Feb. We are going to party like rock stars, and take lots of pictures. I do plan on being as trashed as possible that weekend,and creating mayhem with her :-D
But I do want to come visit Houston maybe in march/april.....