Sep 03, 2005 21:19
WTF the sketchyness of people I consider friends is overwhelming.
and the worst part is it's not just one person.
or two.
it like three and up. I honeslty don't think I'm a horrible person, and I don't have a ton of uber close friends, so when they do something shitty, it makes it worse.
all of the sketchy-ness.
I guess I consider something sketchy if I ask myself if I would do it to them.
If the anwser is no, or hell no, then it makes me think twice about what that person means to me.
honesy the biggest blow has been Kelli. She still hasen't tried to contact me.
I always wonder if I'm overreacting, but I don't think so. I want to surround myself with friends common intrests as me, including how they treat their friends.
I also ask myself if I'm taking it the wrong way, but when you don't feel wanted, then that's how you feel. It fucking hurts when you find out someone really doesn't give a fuck. Espicaially after showing them that you do give a fuck about them.
grr I'm so fucking pissed. Well no, more hurt than anything.
It just pushes my ability to trust people fucking lower to the ground.
If you don't want to be my firned then just tell me instead of doing something shitty/sketchy.
And people think I'm a birthc or whatever when they first meet me, but if anything that's a self defense wall that apparently isn't doing it's job.
Thank you to everyone that actually gives a shit about me!