Its been a very long time since I have written and my life has changed dramatically. I am now living on my own, in Becky's old house. Working from home and have been in a on again off again relationship with a guy named Nate... Another Nate. Haha but it is November and each day this month I want to list something I am thankful for. I am a bit behind so here goes:
1. I am so thankful for my family, they are my world. After losing grandma, grandpa, and uncle mike I have held them a little tighter. They're crazy and inappropriate and I love them all for it.
2. I am thankful to be able to live in this home on my own and have a roof over my head.
3. I am thankful for my job, though at times it's very stressful, I wouldn't have what I do if I didn't have this job.
4. I am thankful for being able to work from home, this helps me to be closer to my family after being away from them for so long.
5. I am thankful for my nieces, they are my absolute joy. I love them if they were my own. They are so fun and make me so happy when I am feeling the most down. They make me realize the little things in life mean the most!
That's all for now :)
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