Home Owners Association

Aug 28, 2009 14:04

Oh LJ its been awhile.
The dang H.O.A can suck it.That guy and I haven't seen eye to eye since we moved here. He has called the cops om me before for skateboarding outside on the street, and another time for having a party, and because he thought I was smoking / Selling pot (he was right on the smoking part.) Each time resulted in cops driving around my neighborhood and us having a chat.
So today I was listening to some music while outside in the back yard with my dog playing fetch. Then the HOA dude came by because he was walking his dog and said "Your music is too loud and absurd".
I laughed and replied with "If you feel that way, why don't you turn down your hearing aid?" mean while "Three 6 Mafia" was playing in the back round. All the while the guys little dog was barking up a storm at my dog and I, then my dog jumped at his dog and he and his dog almost shit their pants. (he has a small dog, and mine is a boxer)
The old man started to bitch at me, so i closed the door on his face.
After some time i got hungry ad went to get some munchies and as I returned I saw a note taped to my door, complaining that I have no respect for the community ect... So, I walked over to his house and left him a note saying "Thanks for the paper to wipe my ass with. Love the kid at 6747 E. Melrose st. P.S. I need more paper so feel free to drop on by with more complaints anytime, because I'm always home". Cant wait for his reply.

Man I need a job because the highlight of the day is HOA's nerves.
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