Questions, Answers, Resistance and Futility

Jan 21, 2010 22:01

Leave me a comment saying "Resistance is Futile".
I'll respond by asking you five questions to satisfy my curiosity.
Update your journal with the answers to your questions.
Include this explanation and offer to ask other people questions.

Jagfanlj asked me:

First of all, let me say that for me these were REALLY difficult questions!

1. If you could have a meal with each course prepared by any chef/restauranteur in the world, what would it be and who would prepare each course?

I am no good with chefs or whatever. I like what I like, and usually prefer what I prepare myself best.

If I were having a “perfect” meal, I’d imagine a great salad with homemade mango vinaigrette dressing, tortilla soup, fresh baked bread, some sort of appetizer like southwest rolls or mozzarella marinara, and a perfectly prepared steak with baked potato. Then follow up with an incredible chocolate fondue dessert.

Of course I would never have room for all that, but it would be fun to try!

Alternately, I’d be happy with Thai food, or Mexican.

2. Mid-term elections are coming up in the US. Do you normally vote in local, state and national elections?

I vote in any election in which I am eligible. As a registered Independent, however, I’m usually excluded from things like Primary elections.

3. If you could have a do-over in real life, what would it be, and would you want it to change the present? (It can be anything, from changing your physical appearance to an important decision.)

You always hear folks spouting the platitude, “If only I knew then what I know now…” well, the same is true of me. I’d love to go back to my youth and be more serious about things like my education and health. On the whole I’m happy with who I am. I’m married to the perfect man for me and am pleased with my status in life. I would like to actually complete my college degree in an area in which I now know I would enjoy working, and would like to have tackled the issue of my weight before it became the problem it is today.

4. What is your favorite flower? Why?

Frangipani, which is a type of Plumeria. They are so beautiful and fragrant! My definite favorites!

I also love all types of lilies. And roses. And gerber daisies. Heck, I just love flowers!

5. Turning the 'marooned on a deserted island with electricity' scenario on its head: What movie would you NOT want to be the one in the DVD player?

Oh geez. I love movies, but there are several that just annoy the pee out of me. Being as there may be no electricity, does it really matter? :P

I don’t know…Battlefield Earth? District 9? I would say Manos, but MST3K has made me develop a fondness for it. =D
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