Feb 23, 2006 19:56
Four Jobs I've had
1. Nanny<--greatest job everrr & i'll hopefully be doing it again this summer
2. Walmart
3. Catcard Service Center <--second greatest job ever
4. Haha, i guess i kinda worked at my dad's store from time to time
Four movies I can watch over and over
1. The Labyrinth
2. 10 Things I Hate about You
3. The Royal Tenenbaums (this is a more recent development)
4. Slackers
Four places I have lived
1. Nashua (but about a million places within)
2. Burlington, VT
3. My heart will always be a little bit Upstate NY... haha
4. --------
Four TV shows I love
1. Sex & The City
2. SVU
3. Boy Meets World
4. Arrested Development
Four places I've vacationed
1. Florida
2. Canada
3. Maine
4. New York (NYC & Upstate)
Four of my favorite dishes:
1. Mac & Cheese
2. Santa Fe Chicken Salad from Applebee's
3. Thanksgiving w/ all the trimmin's
4. Ham & Peas
Four websites I visit daily:
1. CNN.com
2. Gmail/Google
3. UVM Webmail
4. BNARO.COM!!!!!
Four places i would rather be right now
1. Keene State!
2. Nashua
3. In bed, asleep
4. Anywhere with Nashua kids!!!