(no subject)

Jul 15, 2006 18:02

Yesterday was so sad. At 1:15pm, I got a call from mom, telling me my grandmother died sometime around 9am in Cameroon. Now I only have one grandparent left. My dad is actually taking the death of his mom really well, to tell u the truth I think we all knew it was gonna happen soon, the last time I saw her she was in bed, and it looked like she was jus waiting to see her husband and wanted to see us for one last time. My dad though is leaving on tuesday to plan the funeral. There is a little contraversy on who should take her place. Some say it should be me because I am the only grandchild that shares her name but there is also the eldest grandchild who is a candidate. We will have to see. Personally I am not sure I want to take her place in the family as the grandchild, because it may be to much responsibility. But whatever.

death, grandmother

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