Mar 18, 2010 12:59
i`m going to use this time to rant. Because personally i need to vent and i don`t know where else to express this. There are people out there that are posting these spoilers on the fox temporary boards and i`m not going to say who it is. If you want know go there and see for yourself. It really pisses me off that this person is saying that Luddy will continue into season 7. WELL I HAVE A NEWS FLASH FOR YOU. SEASON 7 HAS NOT BEEN WRITTEN YET! So i don`t understand how someone could know about that. It is a total guess and thats all. This guess has gotten everyone up in arms and then you what happens? Rumors start to fly! Currently the season finale is being shot right now. Then theres a 3 month break. The season 7 script doesnt have to be ready until late june early july depending on when they go back. NEWS FLASH ITS MARCH!
I`m sorry but i refuse to believe this rumor or accept it until i have proof. SOLID PROOF! FROM CUDDY HERSELF
Currently, I dont believe Luddy is still together. I know Lucas appears in episode 18 and thats fine. But i really don`t think they are together in the finale. And i DEFINATLY DON`T THINK HE WILL BE BACK IN SEASON 7. why do i think that? well Micheal Weston said himself that he was taking pilot meetings for the fall season and if he was coming back to the show he wouldn`t be taking pilot meetings. Everyone following me so far?
Next item in the spoilers we have gotten for the finale is that Cuddy is acting werid. then happy. Well which one is it? if she acting werid it could be for any reason and if shes acting happy it could be for any reason. Why does everyone think that its because Lucas proposed or she pregnant? personally and i may be wrong here, i dont think its either. BECAUSE we have already have 2 proposals this season 1 from wilson to house (even thou it was a joke) and from taub to his wife. Do you really think they are going to go there especially when David Shore said Luddy will not last. Even Micheal Weston said it. NEXT the pregnant issue. If they went this way, the show is ruin in my opinion. WHY? because we have already had the cuddy/baby storyline. Lets refresh: in season 2 we find out cuddy wants to get pregnant and shes doing IVF. Season 3 we find out that she lost one of the embroyos and the other 2 didn`t take. Then last season she has this huge storyline about adopting and baby then having the adoption fall through only to get another baby a few episodes later. So i ask again... why would they go there again?
FINALLY, I honestly have no idea why shes happy or why shes acting werid. I personally think it doesnt have anything to do with either house or lucas. Maybe she finally taken a well needed vacation with just her and rachel. OR maybe she bought a new house. Anything is possible keep the possibilties open people!
Well until next time,
Thanks for reading!