A/N: Hey everyone! I'm posting updates so fast, guess it's because I have nothing else to do. XD This is a big chapter, I'm not sure how much space LJ allows per post exactly, but I'm splitting it in two. (You can comment on either part, or both, I don't care) Why is it so long? Well..this chapter alone happens to contain births, deaths, birthdays, and more surprises...you know you want to read it.
And a HUGE thanks to
roxmorgirl , author of the Richmond Legacy, for creating Marcus!
WARNING: May contain mild language and/or adult concepts.
Last time on the Harrington Legacy, the last of the generation 2 spares (Lucas and Laurence) were moved out. Now, it's time for the official start of the new generation. WOOP WOOP! :D
First of all, let's kick off this wonderful, excitement-filled chapter with Halie's birthday!
Claire: WOOO!
Halie: Hmm.. I can't wish to be heiress, I already have that...
Halie: Oh, of course! World domination- why didn't I think of it before?
Halie: shewww
Halie: Yaaayyy birthday!
Halie: Is this supposed to happen?
Halie: It's happening...
Halie: Do I look good?
No. Just no.
Anyway, before I change her out of that godawful outfit, and you guys see her makeover, I've got something else to show you...
BAM! New house! I admit, I used a few cheats, but only "kaching" a few times. The rest of the money was earned through hard work from the Harringtons.
So here's the front view...I added a path to the front door while I was doing the tour, so I'll show you that towards the end.
Right side view.
Back view. (i might add a play area later, when we have more money)
Left side. The break in the windows is where the bathroom is, I thought it would be awkward to have windows there. :P
Ready to view the inside? Here's the front door, obviously..
And here's the entryway/ living room!
Another view, with the reading area in the corner.
Full view of the room.
And here, to the right of the front door and living room, is the kitchen! (i tried to show part of the living room in the picture so it was easier to tell where it is XP) I love the colors in both of these rooms...
The cooking area and island.
And the dining table.
You may have noticed two doors in the first view of the living room...here they are again.
We'll be going through the left one first. :D
It's the grandparents room! I decorated it all fancy..
Another view.
And another.
And now through the right door..
is the heiress suite!
You may have also noticed these two doors by the bookshelf..
They just lead to spare bedrooms They both look the same, so I'm only showing you one.
There's also two doors in the kitchen..
The left one-
-leads to the bathroom.
The right door leads to the skills room.
I love the coloring in here, too. :D
And there's one more door to go through..this one, that's awkwardly placed..
It leads to the nursery, which I was going to furnish but ran out of money.
Overhead view.
And the front view with the new path, for those of you who were curious.
Now, one last thing (i swear, just one) before we actually start the chapter...
Aurora's leaving. I don't think anybody will be too sad about this...she just wasn't very interesting, I couldn't find a way to bring her into the story. And she does take up a space in the family where bebehs could be.
So I had her call the moving service and used the Kick Out option. She shows up later in the chapter (part 2), and you'll see why then. :)
And now...drumroll, please..for our young-adultified heiress!
I change her hair too much :P But she's GORGEOUS, anyway. The new trait she gained was Handy..it looks different because I accidentally wrote Artistic twice at first, and I had to cover it up. XP
And here's a close-up of her in game, in case you were wondering.
The first thing I had Halie do was go and get her job, because it was too late to have Marcus over.
Claire: Ooohhh, cool new TV!
You do realize you're looking at the couch, right? Note: Claire and Dustin look funny because, for some reason, it wouldn't let me Change Appearance or Plan Outfit for them.
Dustin: Yeah, so?
We don't have enough money for that!!!
So I had to send ANOTHER person to get a job.
OMG The Harringtons are sleeping in the new beds for the first time! THIS EXCITES ME.
Morning, Dustin! I see you've found the new video game system..
Dustin: Shhh, I'm winning!
And Claire found the laptop..
Hiiiii Halieeee!
Halie: Don't talk to me, I just woke up.
Halie: ERRGGGHHH...This is the most painful experience of my life...
Just wait 'til you have kids...
Halie: Kids? I'm not having kids.
Oh, yes you are...that's what being heiress means, didn't I tell you?
Halie: What?! No...
Oops, sorry, must've slipped my mind..
(I just noticed something, Dustin's [which are also Halie's] eyes look prettier with the new default eye replacements I got)
So Claire..the game just told me you were going to be an elder soon.
Claire: So? I'm not worried. Nothing can ruin a face this perfect!
I added a washer and dryer, I realized I forgot to add them when Halie rolled the want to have a dryer while she was eating breakfast.
And look! Dustin's all made-over! I'm waiting to do Claire until her birthday, because she'll just change anyway. :/
Dustin: I'm pretty fly for an old guy.
Ew, Halie, put some deodorant on or something, you're meeting the love of your life today. Oh wait..something just came over me..
LOL, okay, moment over, now back to your scheduled programming.
Lucas: Heeeyyy sis! ...Rachel, what's she doing here?
Meeting her future husband.
Halie: Look at my muscles! GRRR!
Um, Luke? And Halie, too...you know your niece is just kinda sitting on the porch...
Lucas: Yeah, and?
You fail as an uncle.
Lucas: Your face fails as an uncle!
Halie: Aww, look, a baby!
Halie: Cootchie cootchie coo! She's so cute!
See, I KNEW you liked kids! Don't you wanna have some of your own now?
Halie: Of course not! I have a shitload of nieces and nephews, can just steal all my siblings' kids.
Halie: Rawr, Imma getchu..
Just for the record, Luke's eyes are still my favorite.
Marcus! Thank god, I was getting bored.
Marcus: Soo...why am I here again?
Halie: You think this future hubby of mine like women that are good with a wrench?
Marcus & Halie: *awkward silence*
Halie: So, I was wondering if you'd like to come and hang out at my place, because I think you're pretty cool, and my voice, Rachel, says we have to get married.
Marcus: *stares*
Halie: And I actually have a decent sized house now, so I'm not embarrased to invite poeple over, yanno?
Marcus: You're sexy.
Halie: Did you even hear a word I just said?
Marcus: Well, I heard the part about coming over to your place, and if what we're doing involves a bed, then I'm in.
Halie: Oh..okay.
Halie: WOO! I got a guy to come home with me! I wanna DANCE!
Halie: So, a sexy hunk like you wouldn't happen to be single, would you?
Marcus: Actually I am, I've been waiting for a girl like you to come around.
That's cheesy.
Halie: You're too sweet! we should go kill puppies and make small children cry together!
Marcus: Yeah..yeah, we should..
Halie: Could this emotion I'm feeling be love?
Uh, I guess it could...
DUSTIN! Why are you leaving work? You got an opportunity to stay, and you could've improved you career performance and gotten us money! Why??
Dustin: I dunno..I felt kinda funny.
Dustin: Hmm...I see sparkles. Is it my birthday??
*sniff* ...noo...
Dustin: I'm tired. Can I go home now?
Dustin: Oooohhh...I'm flying..do I have MAGICAL OLDIE POWERS?
And Halie had her first kiss as her father dies...
this is depressing..
Dustin, I hate to break it to you, but you're dead.
Dustin: Oh well. "To the well-organized mind, death is but the next great adventure."
Grimmy: Oh, alright, what've we got here..old dude died on the street, looks like..okay, okay. Interesting.
an old legacy dude...;____;
Grimmy: A LEGACY?! Oh, I don't think I can stand another one of these. Old people dying left and right...seriously, you legacy folk don't give ol' grimmy a rest! I have a life too, yanno!
Yeah, okay. I'm ignoring you.
Dustin: Uh, well, you missed my Dumbledore quote, so no.
Grimmy: Okay then, just hop in the grave, mister. I've got a date tonight, and I can't be late.
Grimmy: OH PLZ. STFU.
R.I.P. Dustin. I didn't think I'd have to add the family graveyard so soon.
The following slides are in memory of Dustin Harrington...
He was a stubborn bastard when Claire first met him..
...But they grew to love each other over time.
He always made the best facial expressions.
He was an excellent father...most of the time.
He truly was a family guy...
He worked hard at his job right up until the very end.
R.I.P. Dustin. He was..89, I think. He had completed his LTW. I didn't think I'd have to add the family graveyard so soon...
Sorry to end on such a depressing note, but there's still part 2 to brighten the mood...
Part 2