
Oct 03, 2007 09:17

How do you handle this? I really just don't know what to do.

I'm terrible about friends. I'll admit it. I've got this strange fear of making first steps because I either a) don't want to seem to be pushing too hard and/or overbearing, b) I'm just REALLY shy, or c) I forgot (bad reason, but still a reason I usually have to deal with). Well what do you do when your friends are doing one thing and while they're saying "yay we're friends and I'll talk to you and I'll email you" and then suddenly stop.

Okay of course life is allowed to happen and they're allowed to be busy. It would be silly of me to say otherwise and I'm not angry about it. But now I feel needy. I want attention, but I'm afraid of being annoying. So I sit back and pout and wish that there wasn't "real life" distance.

Does anyone have a good recommendation for what to do in this situation?
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