Dance with me: Chapter XI (11/?)

May 08, 2011 21:59

Title: Dance with Me
Fandom: Smallville
Pairing: Chloe and Oliver (Chlollie)
Rating: PG / PG-13
Warning: AU
Summary: Busy searching for the whereabouts of Lex Luthor along with the League, Chloe has enough on her plate without having to worry about attending Queen Industries Charity Ball. Then there's the dance lessons the boys are so determined to give her, and just why is Lex after Oliver instead of Clark?
Disclaimer: I disclaim!

Chapter I, Chapter II, Chapter III, Chapter IV, Chaper V, Chapter VI, Chapter VII, Chapter VIII, Chapter IX, Chapter X

Chapter 11: Hopeful Threads and Singed Egos

Night spent in at Watchtower while Clark and Bart were out on patrol, Victor and AC offered their help to both Chloe and Oliver. Ensconced to the floor, both guys sorted through piles upon piles of papers pertaining to Queen Industries’ ex-employees, but so far, not one seemed to be a legitimate candidate capable of working for Lex.

Smacking down a stack of papers, Victor joked, “Tess Mercer would have a better chance at this.”

Leaning back against the couch cushions in a huff, the words before her blurring, indicating that a yawn was soon to follow, Chloe turned to Victor. “Tess would never work for Lex,” she stated wearily, “he betrayed her.” Shuffling the papers in her lap, she set them upon the already formed pile between her and Oliver.

Absently nodding in agreement to Chloe’s comment about the fiery redhead, AC’s lips spread into a grin as a picture of LuthorCorp’s latest CEO formulated into his mind. Turning to Oliver, he whistled, “Miss. Mercer is hot!”

Frowning, Oliver grabbed the pile of papers between him and Chloe and used them to smack the blonde who had a love for all things aquatic.

Rolling her eyes at AC’s current immaturity, Chloe voiced her opinions about  Tess’s attendance to the charity ball aloud. “Will Tess show her presence at the event?”

Ceasing the glares he had been throwing AC, Oliver turned to Chloe with a nod. “She is CEO of LuthorCorp,” he stated, his lips cracking into a smirk, “and that wouldn’t be a little jealousy talking, now would it, Professor?”

Frowning, Chloe held the urge to throw in another eye roll. Instead, succumbing to the immaturity already unfolded around her, Chloe picked up the couch cushion and projected it in his direction.

Having been socked in the face by the decorative pillow, Oliver lunged forward on instinct and grabbed the petite blonde by the wrists, subsequently pinning her down.

Breath panting from the surprise attack, Chloe felt her surroundings slip away as she allowed herself to stare deep into his eyes. It was the first time she had noticed the various shades of brown, darker on the inside, and lighter around the edges. Thoughts trailing, the tiny blonde began to wonder when they had become so close. The mere thought of being close to a member of the opposite sex, a member that wasn’t Clark, scared her. What was even more daunting was the fact that her friendship with Oliver appeared so natural that she hadn’t even noticed when their bond had strengthened.  Now, she couldn’t even imagine a life without him. Although at one point, she couldn’t have imagined a life without Jimmy either…

Clearing his throat, Victor was able to pull the pair away from the staring contest they had settled into. “There’s still work to be done,” he acknowledged, holding up a random sheet of paper, and noticing the rosy color in Chloe’s cheeks all too well.

Sitting up, both Chloe and Oliver awkwardly returned to the task of sorting through the piles of papers between them, each not daring to look the other’s way or speak another word.

Well aware of the awkward tension pressing in the air around the small group, AC picked up a stack of papers and turned to the other three. “Do you think you fired enough people?” Instead of the laughter he hoped to hear from the blonde’s mouth, he was once more greeted with the glares he had earned earlier.


After Chloe watched a few unbearable minutes tick by, she decided it was time to refresh her cup of coffee. Her journey to the kitchen gave the two super heroes the perfect opportunity to ask Oliver about the awkward moment he had just shared with the team’s tiny blonde.

Eyes trailing to see if she was out of ear-shot, Victor turned to his older friend. “Okay, what was that?” he deadpanned.

Sending him a look of confusion, Oliver only understood what Victor’s question meant the moment he saw AC smile. Looking at the young men seated before him as if they were crazy, Oliver proclaimed, “Chloe and I are just friends.”

“You were totally just about to lock lips, forgetting that we were right here,” AC announced, pointing from him to Victor.

Shooting him a look of annoyance, Victor smacked the back of his hand across the blonde’s bicep, indicating the truth wasn’t necessary at this moment.

Glaring at the blonde as well, Oliver shot him a look that indicated he was ready to pounce and kill, causing AC to swallow. “I wouldn’t do that to Chloe,” he explained logically, “she’s not ready for that. She just lost someone she loved.”

Grip tightening around the coffee mug in her hand, Chloe thought it was best to head back into the kitchen after overhearing Oliver’s words. Clearly, this conversation wasn’t meant to be overheard. Was she really about to do as AC had described? Shaking her head, she shoved the silly thought away. She didn’t feel that away about Oliver, and of that she was pretty certain. Besides, Oliver hadn’t been entirely correct. Chloe had left Jimmy behind long ago. It was Jimmy that had kept them alive, allowing them to last as long as they had. She loved him, a fact she didn’t deny for a second, but she just wasn’t able to love him the way a true lover should.

Sharing a look, AC and Victor turned back around, simultaneously mumbling, “I don’t agree.” Shooting each other a look of annoyance for talking in unison, AC let Victor speak first.

“What you and Chloe have is special,” he argued.

“She’s the same way with me as she is with you,” Oliver pointed out. The viewpoint only earned him another round of disagreements.

“She would never let anyone else that close to her,” Victor continued, “nor would she ever let anyone else comfort her the way she lets you.”

“Clark,” Oliver stated plain and simple as if that ended the argument.

AC swallowed, biting his tongue, clearly thinking about what the man had just said. Oliver made a valid point. No one was as close to Chloe as Clark.

“Clark has Lois, and Chloe doesn’t see him that way, Oliver,” Victor sighed, “that relationship is brotherly.” Oliver only made an annoyed face, but Victor was persistent. “She doesn’t look at him that way,” he pointed out, “not with those eyes. Her eyes light up when you walk into a room.”

Stunned to silence as he teetered with Victor’s words, Oliver’s mind trailed to the moment he walked into Watchtower today, finding his favorite blonde settled upon the couch, hunched over a stack of papers. As if she had heard his footsteps, she looked up, and having her suspicions confirmed about his presence, he recalled the way her beautiful green eyes looked as if they were smiling back at him. They had grown close over the years, a fact any League member could point out, but had their lines of friendship and something more blurred along the way?


Heading back over to her initial position on the couch, Chloe turned to a rather pensive looking Oliver. “You okay, Arrow?” she asked softly.

Turning around to face her, he sent her a gentle smile, gazing at her face a little longer than necessary. Throwing a peculiar expression his way, he watched her turn back to her papers, a curtain of blonde shielding the side of her face. Sighing, he sunk further into the couch, ignoring the smiles from AC that entailed so much more. “I was just thinking about the Charity Ball,” he lied, although the thought had just consumed him, “if my factories are being attacked left and right…”

“Then who’s to say the same person won’t attack such a hyped up event of yours,” she finished for him, whipping around to face him.

“Scary how you two do that,” AC pointed out.

Rolling his eyes, Victor added, “Looks like Bart will get his wish after all.”

“What do you mean?” Oliver asked, glaring at the younger man.

Stretching his legs out, Victor leaned his weight upon his arms. “I mean to say, who better to secure the premises than a league of superheroes.”

“Bart would make me more comfortable,” Chloe nodded with a slight smile, only to earn a frown from the blonde seated adjacent to her.

“How so?” he questioned, the irritation in his voice beginning to poke through.

“He makes me laugh,” she added without much thought, “and actually pays attention to me.”

“Too much attention if you ask me,” Oliver groused.

Smirking, Chloe sent him a playful smile, “Now whose jealous?”

“Jealous about what?”

Looking up at the sound of Bart’s voice, Chloe felt a whoosh of air, and a second later, found the boy seated beside her. Mouth opening, Chloe closed it, knowing better than to feed the sandy haired guy’s ego. Besides, her head wasn’t in the mood for another ache, which would be the case if she let Oliver and Bart’s banter loose. Shaking her head, she shuffled her stack of papers, only to have Bart drop a Ziploc bag in her lap.

“What’s this?” she asked, lifting the plastic package.

“Jinkies,” Bart spoke up with a grin, “a clue, my dear Watson.”

Snorting, Oliver crossed his arms and turned his face in the opposite direction. “You’re getting your allusions confused.”

“I did that intentionally,” Bart confirmed with a nod, “Senor.”

Standing up, Chloe shot Oliver a warning glare before pulling apart the seal. Eyes narrowing in through the clear plastic, she glanced at the threads of what she presumed to be hair.

“Found that onsite, don’t know how it survived from being singed,” Bart pointed out.

“It could be the DNA of whoever blew up the factory,” Chloe added, standing up and ready to have Watchtower’s tools uncover the mystery.

“Or the hair of an employee.”

“Party pooper,” Bart said, turning to the tall blonde still seated on the couch with a scowl plastered to his face and arms folded across his chest.

“Don’t be so negative, Ollie,” Chloe stated with a sigh, “It’s the first thread of hope we’ve had.”

“Watchtower does have a point,” Victor pointed out, dropping his palm to her shoulder.

watchtower, chlollie, oliver queen, chloe sullivan, green arrow, smallville

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