so they're back...

Jul 10, 2007 13:23

they got here around 3:30 this morning. oooh yay... and now it's a race to get packed!
so I had a dentist appointment this morning... I have another gosh darn cavity on my right side!!!! I hate cavities SO much.. I need to start taking better care of my teeth.  and yet again, they pushed back me getting my wisdom teeth removed... maybe next summer. grrreat.
so the weekend was FUN! Tim was really happy that I came. I'm happy that I went, although I wish I could have stayed. It was really hard leaving and it almost made me late for work. 
went to sydelle's last night and hung out with her and shannon. we watched Because I Said So... it was good. Diane Keaton was ANNOYING! IDK... it was okay. we didn't go to bed til like 4;30-5am.... I didn't sleep very well... guess I had a lot on my mind... oh well
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