Life lesson number one: Jobs steal time

Dec 02, 2006 21:24

As does school. School plus job means no time.

To update or check my flist. *sigh*

Anyway, the job's going fine.  Black Friday was a ZOO, I have a few friends, and I don't really like my manager, mostly cause I don't really think she likes me.  I like the people that work there though.  Not neccessarily the ops people (they're just your generic, boring people who think I'm a geeky nutcase), but the other people that work in computers and media.  The ones that were in the breakroom when we broke into "The Lumber Jack Song", the ones that come up and ask what level my Druid's at now and how far I've gotten in The Dead Zone...


Yah, watching Goblet of Fire on HBO ^_^

....anyway, those are the people I find interesting.  And who find me interesting.  I can't wait to get into Media *yearns*

I'm working on a chemistry project right now, a commercial for Magnesium.  Well, more of a public service announcment.  Either way, it's turning out just peachy.  I'm totally gonna put it on YouTube ^_^

*jumps on the bandwagon*  ZOMG CHRISTMAS CARDS!!  Anybody interested?  I love Christmas, and mail, and Christmas+mail= let me send you a card!  Leave me a comment with your address, they're screened.

EDIT:  Why did I make the "bouncy" mood a picture of Shawn holding a pineapple?

EDIT PART DEUX: Christopher Eccelston is going to be on Heroes!!  Like, as part of the group, in my understanding.  Exciting or what?!?!

heroes, hotties, job, tv, personal, xmas, harry potter, david tennant

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