Picnics, first kisses and losing Adam

Apr 28, 2006 13:52

Sooooo, this is the best week I have ever had in my entire life.
Friday I hung out with Amy, Aaron and Raymond. We ate Whataburger then went and played at Walmart :]
Saturday I hung out with Adam, Aaron and Raymond. We played Disney Scene it at my house and then went and bought Shout About Movies and came back to my house and played that. Raymond and I were on the same team and lets just say we won everytime because of our mad skills. Later we went to Adams house to play Polish Ping Pong and swim. Raymond left at 11 because hes supposed to be grounded later we picked up Amy and got in Adams hot tubb, then we went back to my house and had a dance party up in my room, which was crazy because my air conditioner broke upstairs the day my parents left to go out of town so it was humid and gross upstairs.
Sunday nothing fun happened.
Monday Greg, his girlfriend, Aaron, Raymond, Amy and I all went to the park for a picnic :) I brought ice cream, toppings and whipped cream and we all played vollyball. I got whipped cream all over him and he rubbed it back all over me so me and him went to the boys bathroom. Everyone thought we were making out in there but that would be an awful place to have a first kiss at :)
Tuesday Raymond came over and we attempted to watch peter pan but ended up talking the whole time.
When I was taking him home he told me his "line" he was going to use to kiss me that night but got too scared to use it so he just did it.
"do you like suprises?" and if I said yes he would say "well you better close your eyes for this one" and if I said no he was going to say "well maybe this will change your mind"

Okay Okay, Corny, but cute. :)

I started my SAT Prep courses wednesday which is balls.org

Thursday after my Prep Class me and Mr Raymond went to see ice age two and it was way cute.

Im so glad Im finally dating a smart boy. His student rank is 12 out of about 900 students...

I forgot to mention; hes a sophomore. Kinda weird yes I know...but Im only a few months older.

yea its totally weird but I will get over it, he doesnt seem to mind.

Oh yea...Ive become one of THOSE people everyone hates. The kind that makes out in the halls :)

Oh well

Oh yea, me and Adam havent talked in a few days because I told him everyone feels the need to impress him and that hes full of himself. Oh and probably because Im dating someone. He hates when I do that.
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