For the love of humanity...pianoman124September 28 2005, 18:56:51 UTC
::clapping....VERY LOUD clapping::
None of this discussion has been any more enlightening or constructive than the same battles which have existed for centuries and generations. The only thing in which you all have succeeded in doing is hurting feelings and attacking one another's values and beliefs.
Nicole: I am inclined to side with those who say what you said is insensitive. However, your opinion is yours--and I can never take that away from you. I don't have the desire to. We all have thoughts and feelings that are very much our own, and logical reasoning behind these ideas that is also our own. Personally, I've said things that have not come out the way they were intended, or understood as they were intended. It's a fact of life, I'm just sorry that it has happened here.
Brandon: You remind me of compassion and forgiveness and so many other things. Why the about-face? You are a very intelligent, clever, and honorable young man... and I hate to think otherwise about someone I have so admired.
Thomas: Your arguments never cease to amaze me. I may not always agree, but they are impressive, nonetheless. Although, I must say I was surprised when you sunk to the levels of others. Always be kind to your enemies--nothing annoys them more.
Marcus: This has gone on long enough. You are brothers. Take your own advice and show forgiveness and love for Thomas. Remembering that it is shameful to hate your own blood.
Candice: Bang on course as always.
Jessie: You, like Thomas, are the embodiment of cool argument for me. A peaceable and well-planned argument will always get you further than pointless bashing and name-calling.
Forget what has happened here, and remember that this argument has existed throughout history in many shapes, and forms; under many different guises. Allow yourselves the maturity to put comments and insults behind you--you will be greater people for it. Let's agree that whether or not hurricanes are "karma", we can be sure of one thing: Hurricanes are devastating, horrendous, and powerfully awesome forces of nature. When you get down to it EVERYTHING is karma--Be it good or bad. Just be thankful that you're fortunate enough to be here discussing the misfortune of others, rather than out there living it.
Re: For the love of humanity...asphalts_paradeSeptember 28 2005, 21:13:55 UTC
I am merely protecting nicole from this shroud of misunderstanding. Nicole did not mean to say that the hurricanes were a force of Karma against the individuals who were devasted during the horrific events, but rather Karma against the nation in which we live, which for so long, and so often have been destroying the world around us. These hurricanes, as Nicole was attempting to convey, and merely Mother Nature getting back at the whole of America for being inconsiderate, wasteful, and destructive to the Earth, and it is a shame that this destruction had to be felt at all, especially in the areas they did. So please do not label Nicole insensitive, because not only is that just wrong, but her comment was not supposed to be in the first place, before interpreted incorrectly by numerous people who i know would consider themselves environmentalists... a misunderstanding, and the applause to Thomas by everyone is sinister to say the least when it was he who began the personal attacks.
Also, a nifty little side note, if anyone tuned into the Daily Show with John Stewart last night, the 27th, they would have been enlightened to hear that he, yes, John Stewart, shares the same views as my dearest Nicole. His quote went something like, "Some people beleive that these disasters are the effects of divine acts, and punishment for sins. I would be inclined to disagree ususally, however, after seeing this [clips of government officials in the United States legislature cutting down environmental programs] i am now inclined to agree."
Anyone going to find John Stewart's livejournal and give him hell too? No? ah, i was hoping for at least 80-100 comments on that one!
Re: For the love of humanity...pianoman124September 28 2005, 22:29:06 UTC
Brandon, I wholly realize the reason for your retaliation. However, thank you for reiterating your intentions. If you wouldn't mind, please re-read my reply to Nicole. It went a little something like this:
"We all have thoughts and feelings that are very much our own, and logical reasoning behind these ideas that is also our own. Personally, I've said things that have not come out the way they were intended, or understood as they were intended. It's a fact of life, I'm just sorry that it has happened here."
--I certainly do not consider myself an environmentalist, and do not bully environmentalist ideals on anyone else. As you can see I specifically mention misinterpretation as the reason for this discussion. That being said, a more detailed statement might have prevented such misinterpretation. "Hurricanes are karma"--rather open to interpretation, I think.
Jon Stewart's job is to satirize political folly. Isn't that what he did? Nicole is not a political analyst, and she is not Jon Stewart. You'll also notice that he used video clips to back up his claims. Even then, Daily-Show material can usually be taken with a grain of salt. Perhaps Jon Stewart should step out of the box and realize that this hurricane's cost can't only be measured in dollars and damages--it cost lives too. The "government officials" that he showed are probably not homeless, hungry, and lost due to this hurricane. Nor, I might point out, is Jon Stewart. Again, I am drawn to the fact that Nicole's 3-word statement (4 words including the title) lacks the kind of support it should have had to avoid such criticism.
And if I knew Jon Stewart's Live-Journal name, you can bet there'd be more than 100 comments for such a statement. You can also bet that at least one of them would be mine.
If Kanzler or Smith want to teach how to argue, they need to set up a Live-Journal group for their classes...
Remember that none of this is meant to be mean-spirited, I still respect you, but I am sorry to say may disagree with people sometimes.
Re: For the love of humanity...ihearditfromyouSeptember 29 2005, 01:51:41 UTC one ever comments on my was i to know that the vagueness i've always used someone besides brandon took time to think about.
Re: For the love of humanity...pianoman124September 29 2005, 04:05:05 UTC
LOL... :-P It should come as no surprise to you how lucky you are-- I know a lot of people who wish their boyfriends would take time to think about what they say. And I really hope you realize that I was not necessarily incensed by what you said, just intrigued. I guess what even made me post was everyone's intense interest. ::shrug:: Good luck Jon. ;-)
None of this discussion has been any more enlightening or constructive than the same battles which have existed for centuries and generations. The only thing in which you all have succeeded in doing is hurting feelings and attacking one another's values and beliefs.
Nicole: I am inclined to side with those who say what you said is insensitive. However, your opinion is yours--and I can never take that away from you. I don't have the desire to. We all have thoughts and feelings that are very much our own, and logical reasoning behind these ideas that is also our own. Personally, I've said things that have not come out the way they were intended, or understood as they were intended. It's a fact of life, I'm just sorry that it has happened here.
Brandon: You remind me of compassion and forgiveness and so many other things. Why the about-face? You are a very intelligent, clever, and honorable young man... and I hate to think otherwise about someone I have so admired.
Thomas: Your arguments never cease to amaze me. I may not always agree, but they are impressive, nonetheless. Although, I must say I was surprised when you sunk to the levels of others. Always be kind to your enemies--nothing annoys them more.
Marcus: This has gone on long enough. You are brothers. Take your own advice and show forgiveness and love for Thomas. Remembering that it is shameful to hate your own blood.
Candice: Bang on course as always.
Jessie: You, like Thomas, are the embodiment of cool argument for me. A peaceable and well-planned argument will always get you further than pointless bashing and name-calling.
Forget what has happened here, and remember that this argument has existed throughout history in many shapes, and forms; under many different guises. Allow yourselves the maturity to put comments and insults behind you--you will be greater people for it. Let's agree that whether or not hurricanes are "karma", we can be sure of one thing: Hurricanes are devastating, horrendous, and powerfully awesome forces of nature. When you get down to it EVERYTHING is karma--Be it good or bad. Just be thankful that you're fortunate enough to be here discussing the misfortune of others, rather than out there living it.
I am merely protecting nicole from this shroud of misunderstanding. Nicole did not mean to say that the hurricanes were a force of Karma against the individuals who were devasted during the horrific events, but rather Karma against the nation in which we live, which for so long, and so often have been destroying the world around us. These hurricanes, as Nicole was attempting to convey, and merely Mother Nature getting back at the whole of America for being inconsiderate, wasteful, and destructive to the Earth, and it is a shame that this destruction had to be felt at all, especially in the areas they did. So please do not label Nicole insensitive, because not only is that just wrong, but her comment was not supposed to be in the first place, before interpreted incorrectly by numerous people who i know would consider themselves environmentalists... a misunderstanding, and the applause to Thomas by everyone is sinister to say the least when it was he who began the personal attacks.
Also, a nifty little side note, if anyone tuned into the Daily Show with John Stewart last night, the 27th, they would have been enlightened to hear that he, yes, John Stewart, shares the same views as my dearest Nicole. His quote went something like, "Some people beleive that these disasters are the effects of divine acts, and punishment for sins. I would be inclined to disagree ususally, however, after seeing this [clips of government officials in the United States legislature cutting down environmental programs] i am now inclined to agree."
Anyone going to find John Stewart's livejournal and give him hell too? No? ah, i was hoping for at least 80-100 comments on that one!
until the next flashback to highschool!
I wholly realize the reason for your retaliation. However, thank you for reiterating your intentions. If you wouldn't mind, please re-read my reply to Nicole. It went a little something like this:
"We all have thoughts and feelings that are very much our own, and logical reasoning behind these ideas that is also our own. Personally, I've said things that have not come out the way they were intended, or understood as they were intended. It's a fact of life, I'm just sorry that it has happened here."
--I certainly do not consider myself an environmentalist, and do not bully environmentalist ideals on anyone else. As you can see I specifically mention misinterpretation as the reason for this discussion. That being said, a more detailed statement might have prevented such misinterpretation. "Hurricanes are karma"--rather open to interpretation, I think.
Jon Stewart's job is to satirize political folly. Isn't that what he did? Nicole is not a political analyst, and she is not Jon Stewart. You'll also notice that he used video clips to back up his claims. Even then, Daily-Show material can usually be taken with a grain of salt. Perhaps Jon Stewart should step out of the box and realize that this hurricane's cost can't only be measured in dollars and damages--it cost lives too. The "government officials" that he showed are probably not homeless, hungry, and lost due to this hurricane. Nor, I might point out, is Jon Stewart. Again, I am drawn to the fact that Nicole's 3-word statement (4 words including the title) lacks the kind of support it should have had to avoid such criticism.
And if I knew Jon Stewart's Live-Journal name, you can bet there'd be more than 100 comments for such a statement. You can also bet that at least one of them would be mine.
If Kanzler or Smith want to teach how to argue, they need to set up a Live-Journal group for their classes...
Remember that none of this is meant to be mean-spirited,
I still respect you, but I am sorry to say may disagree with people sometimes.
It should come as no surprise to you how lucky you are-- I know a lot of people who wish their boyfriends would take time to think about what they say. And I really hope you realize that I was not necessarily incensed by what you said, just intrigued. I guess what even made me post was everyone's intense interest. ::shrug:: Good luck Jon. ;-)
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